Living with awareness and recognizing pointers for a new phase in your life

I believe that my life is not by accident. I know too that just like there are seasons in the physical world, there are seasons in our lives that we have to walk in, shed metaphorical old skins and natures in order to enhance our experience and time in these seasons.

There is a time to become an adult, a time to get a job, to get married, to have children and to die. And with new seasons, there are usually signs that herald new changes; leaves fall off in autumn as a pointer to a coming winter. In my own life, I have had clear demarcations and desires that have led me to making new decisions which brought me into those seasons. Getting my degree was a pointer to a need for a job. Feeling uneasy in my old city was a nudge that I needed to change my location. I have had several of such nudges which were impossible to ignore.

It is wise to not be led by every nudge because you can end up making drastic changes that can lead to unpleasant results. I have always scrutinized these promptings in my mind to be able to ensure that whilst I was taking these risks, I had some form of back up should things not turn out the way I envisioned. For example, I knew I could return back to my family home if I did not like my new city that much. It turned out happily for me because I did and still do and I'm glad I took the leap of faith.

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Another thing that have set their seal of approval on these nudges have been the recurring nature of those nudges. It is one thing to have a thought that you can brush off in doubt because of all the hurdles you imagine you might have to surmount to achieve it, but when it keeps on bugging your mind by sheer persistence, you have to listen to these promptings, you basically have to reconsider, and try to look for a way to implement or achieve these things. I like to pray over these things. Infact, many times I have these desires in my heart weigh even more heavily or erupt after praying, again making it impossible to ignore.

There are certain emotions that accompany these nudges. They include a sense of dissatisfaction with an activity or life. If you're not feeling motivated at work or school or feeling like your environment is too toxic for you, that for me is a pointer to evaluate your life again. To look carefully to see what else you could be doing, how you can begin to do those things because and like I told a friend yesterday, I don't think that we were created to live lives where we don't feel fulfilled, where we constantly have to wonder why we exist and who in their right mind would dare put consciousness in us if we'd be subjected to so much of the mundane and soul grinding life that many people live today.

There are so many people living a life of acceptance and complacency about the things they feel they cannot change. If you are constantly surrounded by people who feel that living from paycheck to paycheck is the only reality and that you're a fool to think otherwise, you will inevitably subject your mind to that sort of enslavement.

It is way easier to be docile and not want to stand out in the midst of what appears to be a solid monolithic embodiment of truth. If not why would all of them think that way? But you have to realize that there is such a thing as group think. There is such a thing as peer pressure and conformity is always easier when there is nothing to challenge it. This only means one thing; it is in your power as someone who is enlightened and know the pitfalls to ensure that the places and people you surround yourself with are chosen wisely. You need to follow and listen more to the trail blazers, to the pioneers of what was previously considered an impossibility in order to enter into new phases.

This post is inspired by a new nudge in my heart, something prompting me to take a big risk to live life more creatively. I have tried to subdue the voice so much but it is almost shouting now in my head telling me that time is not always guaranteed, you cannot procrastinate on certain things till infinity. It is with this in mind that I have laid out for myself and hopefully for anyone else reading this blog the benefits of listening to that inner voice, of thoroughly evaluating the outcomes and also ensuring that you have some kind of backup that guarantees some kind of support. Yes, nothing is a 100% guarantee but the wise thing is not to go into a venture with null backup.

Thanks for stopping by!

All content is mine unless stated otherwise

 3 years ago  
