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RE: Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #35

in ThoughtfulDailyPost8 days ago

Greetings, We congratulate you and ratify the cordial welcome to your considerations and reflections, in our community. However, it is appropriate to inform you that this particular space is conceived for the theme of the week and the participants who decide to join the call leave here their publication link. We cordially invite you to join our weekly call, it will be an honor and gratification to read your meditative contributions. Health and Wellness !LUV #thoughtfuldailypost


Saludos Le felicitamos y ratificamos la cordial bienvenida a sus consideraciones y reflexiones, en nuestra comunidad. Sin embargo, es oportuno informarte que este espacio en particular está concebido para el tema de la semana y los participantes que deciden sumarse a la convocatoria dejan aquí su link de publicación. Le invitamos cordialmente a unirse a nuestra convocatoria semanal, será un honor y una gratificación leer sus aportaciones meditativas. Salud y Bienestar.


Okay, @marilour, I understand. I will now know for the next time. Thank you for your kind reply!

 8 days ago  

It is our pleasure to be of service and to guide you in any way that may be of help.