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RE: we can always do something to save a life

in ThoughtfulDailyPostlast month

You flow with interest in your deliberations, scrutinizing possibilities and options, but always having clear, your north of preserving life at all costs for all who have it at risk, without retaliation, or discrimination. You bring us to socialization the importance and value of fellow human beings, where equality must be preserved, without distinctions or segregation, they are existential lives that must be preserved without separations. Likewise, the fact of giving perspective with your reflections to a third scenario that does not exist in the reflective proposal, translates in my considerations, that you always give yourself the opportunity to think and try to go beyond what others often see and stop, projecting that perhaps by traveling other roads we can find the feasible solution to what we need.
We thank you for your commitment to our weekly calls. Health and Wellness !HUG !PIZZA !LOLZCordial greetings @repayme4568



Fluyes con interés en tus deliberaciones, escudriñando posibilidades y opciones, pero siempre teniendo claro, tu norte de preservar la vida a toda costa para todo aquel que la tenga en riesgo, sin represalias, ni discriminación. Nos traes a la socialización la importancia y el valor de los semejantes, donde se debe preservar la igualdad, sin distinciones ni segregaciones, son vidas existenciales que se deben preservar sin separaciones. Así mismo, el hecho de dar perspectiva con tus reflexiones a un tercer escenario que no existe en la propuesta reflexiva, traduce en mis consideraciones, que siempre te das la oportunidad de pensar y tratar de ir más allá de lo que otros muchas veces ven y se detienen, proyectando que tal vez recorriendo otros caminos podemos encontrar la solución factible a lo que necesitamos.
Te agradecemos tu compromiso con nuestras convocatorias semanales. Salud y Bienestar.Cordiales saludos @repayme4568


In my heart all the times, i always think of what I should do that is going to benefit not me alone, but can as well be a shining light to other people.Greetings. @marilour

I am not so exceptional as a person, as I still make mistake sometimes, but this i feel it all the times.

I have learnt that, there are some scenario's that we do not have to believe a thing is better than another, the deal is, that which we think was not better might turn out to be the best, so, since I have known this, I value all that comes my way.

And, therefore consider everything to be a puzzle, that I am going to win once I keep thinking about the solution.

Thank you so much for that awesome comment, do have a great day ahead.

 last month  

You honor me @repayme4568 with such an excellent comment, which enhances the value of this reflective encounter. My gratitude !LUV



Me honras @repayme4568 con tan excelente comentario, que realza el valor de este encuentro reflexivo. Mi gratitud.

I wish it was on a television, and you were watching me as a character in an event, I am sure by now, you would have seen how I am smiling by reading the reply. Thank you so much, @marilour grace and blessings your way.

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$LOLZ on behalf of marilour



@repayme4568, I sent you an