
Photo taken by me: Painting of a house

I haven't written on this site in a very long time, and I've already missed it. A lot of things happened that kept me quite busy, which is why I haven't opened this blog in a long time. Anyway, I've already here again. Hello then! I hope every one of you is doing well.

I would want to begin by sharing my latest plans and what's been going on. Half of the year has already passed, and it's safe to say that some of the plans we all made at the beginning have already been chalked out. I am aware of the numerous plans we have, and by now, I hope we have nearly finished them.

Moving out was one of the plans or goals I had set for myself. I've been planning something for a while, but this year I finally have the strength to actually go for it. Now that I'll be living alone, I'm anxious, but I'm also thinking that this is a common emotion, especially when traveling somewhere unfamiliar. For me, this is a truly significant step.

The process itself is somewhat challenging. Finding the place, though, is what I found to be the most difficult. There are a lot of location-related factors that I need to think about. There were several apartments in the area, but it was difficult for me to choose which one to rent because of the location's lack of access to supermarkets, churches, highways, and marketplaces.

After months of searching, I eventually discovered my apartment, which had a very high monthly rent but was also quite convenient because it was close to the grocery store and markets. An additional benefit is that the flat is close to the laundry room and convenience shop. It has excellent security as well.

In order to prepare for moving into the apartment, I'm making a list of everything I'll need, starting with the necessities like a table, kitchenware, a bed, pillows, and so on. Naturally, there are some appliances that I will require, such as a microwave, rice cooker, refrigerator, and so on. It's a lot of fun—until I consider how much money will be needed for everything. Haha.

It's such a joyful and healing experience. Research indicates that young adults who leave their parents' home tend to have better self-esteem and lower incidence of depression. You'll now be able to live alone, so I believe that to be true. You will be the only one who wakes up in the morning; you will cook all day and prepare dinner; you will clean your home, wash your clothing, and so on. You'll gain the ability to trust oneself, which will lead to improved mental health.

It's scary and expensive, yes, but it's very worth it.

So, I would say to those who truly want to attempt moving out but are still afraid to do so, go ahead and do it. Get out and make your own way in life. You'll develop survival skills and learn to leave yourself with no other option. You'll change and prevail. It's possible for you too. Go. Take care of yourself. You will develop as a person regardless of whether you succeed or fail. Carry it out.

Disclaimer: All images are mine unless stated otherwise.


Hope you do well living solo! I guess we'll be reading more about your solo adventures here 😁

Yes! I probably have a lot to share about solo living here soon. 🖤

 6 months ago  


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 6 months ago  
