Arguing with Leo Tolstoy

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 months ago

It has always been a habit of mine to argue against the quotes of recognized philosophers. I always try to make these arguments not to be just for the sake of making an argument but for a good reason. The purpose of dismantling any illogicality or unacceptability I come across in these quotes.

This is because illogicality from guys like these is more dangerous as people would easily take them just because they're coming from a recognized figure, and also because it is just fun finding recognized people wrong 😃. And being able to prove it.

I came across this quote from Leo Tolstoy earlier today and the illogicality here hurt me to some extent.

This quote is a furtherance of a certain type of philosophy, a somewhat utilitarian philosophy that mostly focuses on what material/tangible benefits we get from things.

In general these philosophy looks at things and ask what economic gain do you get from this? Of what benefit are these things to you? And if the benefits are not financial then it is useless/unnecessary. They overlook things when the benefits are only that they make you feel good, happy, or psychologically satisfied.

This is sad because happiness and psychological satisfaction are very important to live a complete life. We shouldn't only chase material gain.

After a long conversation, even though it felt empty and bad, it can't be unnecessary. Because you tried to connect with a fellow human and that is very important. Even if it felt unnecessary after you put some thought to it, that was still an important moment.

It's very important for humans to connect and try to make a spark or satisfy our need to be social. This is food for the soul, and company really goes a long way in improving mood.

The End

Hi there, my novella Professor Otagburuagu just got published. It promises to be thoroughly entertaining and intellectually stimulating. Written by myself and illustrated by Scandinavian artist @ katharsisdrill. You can get it from me for just 4 HBD.

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I see your point, but I see his point more clearly. Even the GOOD conversations I've had, and I've had many, are usually at LEAST 50% small talk, and sorting through misunderstandings. If we could communicate more directly, and worry less about the 'norms' of conversations, our conversations would be much more fulfilling.

I see his point too, and he's not wrong, the purpose of the post is just to say even if it wasn't a fulfilling conversation the simple fact that you had a conversation is great because simply talking to people and having human contact is so important.

I would also like to make my point here that whenever we are talking about any topic, we should talk about the main things. They keep arguing about it and there is no solution.

I agree with your point 👌🏾

Having someone to talk to, is soul lifting

 3 months ago  Reveal Comment