The Golden Rule

in ThoughtfulDailyPost10 months ago

“Be nice to people on the way up, because you may meet them on the way down.” – Jimmy Durante

Hola everyone from different corners of the globe. How are you? I am here to share something that, I presume, is important to be shared.

We human beings thrive on social norms, values and rules. We don't really set our own rules or principles. I'm here to share one of my own set of rules which I call the Golden rule. A lot of beliefs and people have inspired me with this sort of mentality.

According to my golden rule, do not hurt others with something that hurts you. This might seem simple and easy, but it gets complex.

Allow me to explain. When we are feeling negative, enraged, happy or excited, we transmit our energy to others. You must have noticed that when a person is dancing openly, it lightens our heart too. This is the power of transmitting our energy to others.

When we become angry, ultimately the energy is transported to other people too. They feel the burden of our anger. Both the positive and negative thoughts and feelings are transferred to others. However, it's the negative energy that is transmitted faster.

All I am trying to say here is that whatever hurts you, try to let it out in other ways. Don't hurt others with what hurts you.

I resort to different methods for that. We have different coping mechanisms in this regard. Sometimes, I try to dance it all out, sometimes, I talk myself out of the negative thoughts. Sometimes, I write about what is making me feel this way and what can be done and sometimes I share it with a friend or a family member.

We have to keep trying that the negative energy stays away and doesn't affect our otherwise cordial relationships with others especially with children who have very sensitive minds.

I hope that I have articulated my thoughts in a crisp and comprehensive manner. Do follow my account and I hope to hear from @wesphilbin . I hope to learn from you all. I want to be an active member here and engage with you all.

Take care and have a blissful time.

The images are my own.


There are a lot of Golden rules out there, I read Antifragile by Nassim Taleb and I think it contains a lot of good information on human relations rules, the interesting thing about societal laws is, they work automatically, for example the Maxim 'Respect is Reciprocal ' is such a timeless rule.

You will never get respected if you are not respectful yourself/to yourself.

Very well said 🙂