Funny I managed to get a tree Tuesday post up as well. I had the pics from last week but had never gotten around to making the post.
I always thought we had a lot of pines here in Michigan, so I never understood why they called the South the Land of the Pines.. However I have so many pines on my lot in VA I am having a battle getting them out before new ones take their place!
Toasted bread with melted cheese with or without a choice of meat is simply heaven.
Great! I'm sure I'll make myvway over after I post.
Thos little baby pines are pretty prolific! It's been so long since you have been there, you probably have a forest by now! I had a lot of pines in the UP, and I loved them! So, I can't figure out why I didn't plant but one here. I planted a baby one from my house up there. I love it!
Toasted cheese and anything is yummy!! Hope you are feeling better today!
Well I should be getting my 12 in, but my back is trying to talk me into Hiving for a spell.
Do you deduct all the breaks you take? I'm sure you do. You wouldn't want to cheat the boss.