Crazy how we see but choose not to see. When hindsight is truly 20/20, you realise you had the truth all along but were in fact in denial.
The first and the last are so similar. To me, it's "don't be stoopid, read the damn signs, and freaking respect and treat yourself proper." And also, people do change, but HELL NO not for you. They do it for themselves, and you can only try to encourage that.
I think a lot of people don't wanna see that 'cause they feel it makes them guilty in some way. It's the double-sided coin - you're responsible and that can be a condemnation but also really empowering.
Word. :) It's really that easy. At least in theory. In practice, we seem to have a hard time.
You can encourage people to change, but some people seem to think they can genuinely do that by treating themselves poorly in the process. Like what kind of example are you setting there, you know?