Read me | Time relevance | introduction

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago (edited)


Hi everyone, my name is Pascal and I really love what I've read in this community so far and I also will be joining you guys to share my thoughts here.

This morning I was thinking,

"The value of Time, is directly proportional to purpose" What I mean is that without purpose time is irrelevant.

I got to understand this as I walk pass a guy who collect ticket revenue from taxi drivers, normally he spends his money on drugs and his time wondering the streets looking for who to rub but his drive changed when he was given the opportunity to join the taskforce and now he is very time conscious because he needs to know when it's his turn to collect and when it's evening shift.

Suddenly this same guy I know to be careless and purposeless before without minding time is passing him by, now works with time because he has a target. This brought me to the conclusion that

time is only relevant when you have a target, purpose, or goal.

All content is mine unless otherwise stated

 3 years ago  
