Dr. Sheri and Darmian.

   Dr . Sheri and Darmian.

Good evening, hives and I believe your day was fine. I decided to share this awful experience, which took place a few years ago, as it ruminated in pain and had to be dashed out. Yes, I felt the pain people who were being defrauded felt and how they lost hard-earned money and other valuable gifts to scammers.

This happened a few years ago when I was fully into writing and also decided to improve my writing style, so I enrolled and took an online course on copywriting in which I graduated and received a certificate.


We were taught the best way to be a successful copywriter is to have foreign clients who will pay in dollars, and due to the exchange rate in my country, it is a freelancing job with a source of income, which is salivating.

After graduation, I was in desperate need of jobs and as a newbie, I tried all the necessary ways we were taught to apply for jobs and land a client. I actually targeted foreign clients. I applied for this job on Facebook for a copywriter who can write all forms of compelling sales copy. Three days later, I received a message on my WhatsApp from one Darmian telling me about the online job I applied for, and I was asked to drop my Curriculum Vitae. I don't have a soft copy then, so I quickly create it using Google Docs and send it to him.


He later messaged me that he had forwarded my details to the team looking into appointments and applications, and I would be contacted as soon as possible. At night, I received a voice recorder message from Dr. Sheri, and she told me the company’s name,and we interacted.

I lost all of these details due to the fact that my phone crashed but I still have their names and numbers.

That night, she asked me to send all my best samples, which I did because I was a newbie who was searching for a job desperately at that time due to the fact that I just lost a job and I was in check for a freelancing job to recover. I was fooled because she spoke in a foreign English Language and used a foreign number as well, so I thought it was her authenticity.


After collecting all my samples, she told me that her company was into real estate and that I should send her samples on real estate, too, in three days. What pains me the most is that I have no samples on that but have to work relentlessly to craft three copies for her in a short period of time, overworking myself and doing nights on research upon research. After that, I sent it to her, and after that day, she sent me a link on Zoom that I passed the examination, and we will do an online meeting on Zoom to finalize the work ethic and pay.

I was so happy believing I had landed myself a foreign client who would pay in dollars, then I researched the name of the company, and it was located in the States. It was just a tragedy that I couldn't think straight then to write the name out and my phone crashed after.

The unexpected happened, and the meeting day came up. I couldn't believe my eyes one hour after the meet-up time to two hours before the night fell. We were not even opportune with electricity then so I went to a friend's house who had a generator for me to just meet up for the meeting at 8 pm.



I had a sleepless night that day and woke up the second day to confirm I was blocked. I never felt such excruciating pain before and was heavily down because it was the time of need. I shook it up a week later, knowing that actually, I was not a newbie again because it meant I did a perfect job as a starter. The incident demoralized me from writing copies again as I felt that I was being defrauded.

I am just grooming myself to write new copies nowadays. Thanks for healing and the universe aid.

Thanks for reading through and have a wonderful week ahead.

All the pictures are mine.