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yeah more and more people are rightly mad about the encroachment on the youngest but then there are many people who simply take it as 'modernity', in other words they will accept anything that is fashionable.

well, that was super interesting, thanks for sharing all those thoughts. i will be pondering this more

blessings to you <3


many people who simply take it as 'modernity', in other words they will accept anything that is fashionable.

Most likely. That is why one hates it to play the bad cop, since you know that's gonna happen.
Now, I admit that society let me play the hedonistic chick for quite a long time. And that I now have to pay that back in becoming the conservative spoil sport who "suddenly" changes her course (not so sudden, actually, but you know what I mean).

My man uses to say that "if you are a Hippy by twenty-two, that's great. If you remain being one with fifty-six, that's ridiculous." (And you can be justifiably mocked :D)

Be blessed, as well :)