Exploring spirituality can be an interesting learning experience. Not just one tradition but multiple ones dating back into ancient times. It’s an exploration that has to be done with an open mind and putting aside biases ingrained into us, often by religious traditions.
Faith, regardless of the tradition is based on all the power we can not see. It’s how the people of ancient times experienced their world and how the unseen energies responded to them. Yes, I did say energies. At the root of any faith tradition is energy, unseen power.
People started to form religions and the traditions around them. From then until this day, religion, regardless of the faith tradition is all the power that can be seen. Just look at the structures of the religious traditions and how they are controlled and manipulated by people using ancient faith and practices.
Look beyond the religious structures to the faith traditions and practices underlying them and we find the root of the beliefs. You can form your own sense of belief, or lack of them after that. I’m finding it fascinating exploring some of the ancient traditions.
Two of the areas I’ve been been exploring lately are nine sound frequencies more recently referred to as Solfeggio Frequencies and Chakras. Both have their roots in ancient Hindu and Buddhist traditions originating in India.
The Nine Frequencies
The nine frequencies are believed to have healing and spiritual properties. These frequencies and their associations are:
174 Hz - associated with the physical body and its energy field — reduces pain, promote overall physical healing and sense of safety & security.
285 Hz - associated with the brain and it’s energy field — promotes rejuvenation and spiritual healing
396 Hz - releases emotional blockages, reduces feelings of guilt & fear and promote a sense of safety and security.
417 Hz - breaks negative patterns, facilitates change and increases creativity.
528 Hz - promotes healing, increases energy & vitality, facilitates transformation and promotes feelings of peace, love, and compassion.
639 Hz - harmonious relationship, increases love and compassion, and enhances communication.
741 Hz - promotes emotional healing, self-expression, increases creativity and enhances intuition.
852 Hz - spiritual awareness, increases intuition and help individuals connect with their higher selves.
963 Hz - connecting to higher levels of consciousness, spiritual awakening and connection with the divine.
I first heard of the concept of using sound frequencies to heal illness when country singer Ronnie Hawkins was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2003. He was told at the time he had about three months to live.
The story drew my attention as he had a home not far from my dad’s. I saw a report that he was pursuing using sound to heal and the story quickly disappeared from the media. When he died in May 2022 his obit briefly referenced him as attributing his recovery from cancer as being alternative medicine and herbal remedies.
The Chakras
Chakra comes from the Sanskrit language, meaning “wheel” or “circle”. They are energy centers in the body associated with physical, emotional and spiritual well-being. There re seven major chakras running along the spine.
They start at the base of the spine and move up to the top of the head. Each chakra is associated with a particular colour, element, sound and quality which governs specific areas of the body and aspects of life.
Root chakra (Muladhara) - located at the base of the spine, associated with the color red, the element earth, the quality of stability and the 396 Hz frequency.
Sacral chakra (Svadhisthana) - located in the lower abdomen, associated with the color orange, the element water, the quality of creativity and the 417 Hz frequency.
Solar plexus chakra (Manipura) - located in the upper abdomen, associated with the color yellow, the element fire, the quality of personal power and the 528 Hz frequency
Heart chakra (Anahata) - located in the center of the chest, associated with the color green, the element air, the quality of love and compassion and the 639 Hz frequency.
Throat chakra (Vishuddha) - located in the throat, associated with the color blue, the element ether, the quality of communication and the 741 Hz frequency.
Third eye chakra (Ajna) - located in the forehead between the eyebrows, associated with the color indigo, the element light, the quality of intuition and the 852 Hz frequency.
Crown chakra (Sahasrara) - located at the top of the head, associated with the color violet or white, the element cosmic energy, the quality of spirituality and the 963 Hz frequency.
The Value of Chakras and Sound Frequencies
Both chakras and sound frequencies are part of practices and techniques used with meditation, yoga, energy healing and spritual practices. Chakras are widely used in some spritual and religious traditions.
Among the daily practices I’ve formed this year has been meditation. I often use either guided meditations or just a recording using one or more of the frequencies.
My experience has been that I find them relaxing. I’m not a person who generally listens to music when I’m doing something but letting the frequencies play in the background often contributes to my sense of flow when I’m working on something.
There are those who will be quick to point out that neither the benefit of the sound frequencies or the chakras have a basis in scientific fact.
There are some things that I think science has a hard time figuring out a way to measure. That doesn’t make the belief wrong, just unproven by science.
The proof is in how they benefit you if you choose to use them. Nothing is ever suggested as a replacement for medical advice.
Shadowspub writes on a variety of subjects as she pursues her passion for learning. She also writes on other platforms and enjoys creating books you use like journals, notebooks, coloring books etc.
NOTE: unless otherwise stated, all images are the author’s

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Wild, I was looking at singing bowls and Solfeggio fork set the other day.
I saw a sound healer with a bed (with strings and he also used a bowl and other instruments below it) as a festival some time ago.
These are two areas I haven't had much of a look at. Yet ;)
Now about to. Especially the frequency part of it. Makes absolute scientific sense actually! It does though.
Funny thing about science and "spirituality"... the line between the two has been getting a bit blurred for some time now as we begin to learn more about how our world "works".
As far as religion goes, I think your statement pretty much covers it. :/
👏 Like your brain!
This is definitely interesting.
I'm a catholic, and while I'm fully aware that there are other religions that exist and I respect them, I have never had the urge to wander from Catholicism.
But now that I think of it, it wouldn't be a bad idea to at least gain knowledge on the others.
The fact that these energies are capable of healing illnesses makes me all the more curious about them.
I'm only familiar with sound baths, are they the same as the nine frequencies?
And I've heard of The Chakras too.
I must admit, I have learnt a whole lot from this.
Thank you for sharing!
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