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RE: Adventures In Procrastination!

A lot of what this article is about definitely resonates with me and wasn't aware that there were even two types of procrastination, thus I'm now suitably enlighted (I'm sure Jon would pleased - i've hit my plus one for today, lol.

I've got a few articles in planning, almost written mode - just need to be tidied up a bit AND posted - the positive procrastination, and then i've got some more (and other stuff) that i want to move to that phase but using other "life" events as an excuse not to - definitely destructive.

As usual, a thought provoking article. Thanks


Oh, you delivered a super thought-provoking response! I love how you took what was in the post, applied it to your situation, and broke it down into positive and negatives. Seriously, that made my whole day! Sometimes the hardest part in dealing with procrastination is identifying what it is you are avoiding so you can act.

I'm so glad you hit your plus one and I can't wait to see those articles! Hope your day is going splendidly!