
It is beautiful! You aren't going to believe this, Mick... @stresskiller When I moved in, they did a small landscaping job from the builder. (a few shrubs and two trees) Four of the bushes were THAT and they all dies within two months. I think it was because it was the end of November, but, it didn't matter. I was afraid to replace it with them and to be honest, they didn't look that pretty, but, who would when they are dying?

Hindsight? They are beautiful and I wish I had known them. They would be gorgeous by now! Thank you! I had forgotten that and I may give a couple a try!

after planting you will need to water them once a week for a period of a year

Yes!!! That was my mistake the first time, but it was too cold to water. Nextvtime, spring planting. They should have waited, I think!

Thanks again!