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RE: If Hearts Could Dance

As always beautiful images and words,
I am sure my heart does dance from time to time, especially in spring and of course times with family, I just hope it dances better than the rest of my body does.

As fine wine, call me uncultured, but back when I drank I would be known to say my favorite wine is Beer LOL

I have never been a big fan of wine, so I seldom got it, so cant say I have a favorite, but LUlu likes Merlot, so on a special occasion if we decide to have wine with a home cooked meal, it will be a Merlot as that what she prefers, I know she so in that regard we have a favorite, I forget its name, but I recognize the bottle when I go to the wine store lOL


You are one step ahead of most husbands. :)) You are observant! Sorry, husbands! If you are observant, I am not talking to you!

:) I just had visions of your heart dancing... I found myself clapping in applause. I hope you are having a #beautfulsunday! Sublimely so!

Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words!

Quick recovery from offending other husbands lol

I just am what I am I have my good and bad sides

Don't we all? I always hope the good outweighs the bad. 😁

Thats all we can aim and hope for :)