Success doesn't just happen magically!

in ThoughtfulDailyPost3 years ago


If you want to fly, give up everything that weighs you down


Good success doesn't just happen in a blink of an eye; rather, it takes time but doesn't tarry for long as far as work is still being done consistently if only the process is trusted.

Many people think that a lot of successful people out there made it in one night without sitting back to think properly that one can't cheat nature no matter what. We weren't all born to stay idle, we were meant to work. Even the ones who grew up into inheritance have in one way or the other a job to do to keep it going or leave it to fade away into thin air.

Success is not by magic it's by engagement of the right principles so roll up your sleeves and fight whatever it is that may be trying to weigh you down without holding back.

If there's no success, then what we have is failure, failure only comes when it's given the chance, idleness causes failure and to stop that is put to work the goals on your mind, get addicted to the progress and definitely you'll find yourself falling in love with the process. It may look slow at first but like they say; tiny drops make an ocean. That little struggle today can turn out something huge tomorrow.

The most expensive brands we see today were not so popular and expensive years back if history could be traced. It took a logical process to take it to where it is today. You and I can attain good success if only we can trust the process.


Wherever you see failure, fight it, don't back down and let it run you over. Create what you want, get rid of all forms of resistance and be open to opportunities, attract successful people who can support you and not people who don't know what to do with their lives.

Attaining Success is a journey, it may be a little rough and would require wisdom because at the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success or your failure. It's up to you to make the right move.

 3 years ago  


Thank you so much 🥰


Thanks for sharing your experience with us!

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Ill definitely check it out. Thanks a million ☺️

Attaining Success is a journey, it may be a little rough and would require wisdom because at the end of the day, you are solely responsible for your success or your failure

This is a fact. It's a journey that sums up little effort and consistency. I still remember how someone said it's the part of the iceberg unseen

Yeah! The person was totally right. Thank you for reading through and dropping a valuable comment. I really appreciate 💙. Have a great day