From the LeoFinance Community:

I appreciate you trying to help others. But please do not lead them astray when posting in my community. I am sure @khaleelkazi would feel the same in this regard ✌️
From the LeoFinance Community:
I appreciate you trying to help others. But please do not lead them astray when posting in my community. I am sure @khaleelkazi would feel the same in this regard ✌️
A warning and a downvote war is different my feed is full with downvote notifications and my account cant take this.
I do not have anything to do with downvotes my friend. I simply explained what you were suggesting was not a good idea. Nor was it right to tell others to do the same. This is what I can do, considering it's my community. All I can suggest, is to contact those that are interacting with you, and tell them what you have told me. And to not continue to partake in these practices.
My respect for you increased actually. It is better to know now than later. I must study tags more. Imagine if you don't warn me and then I had to deal with same some time in future.
@wesphilbin my account cant handle the damage done and see i created alot of good content for leo finance too. If i dont use LeoFinance tag without financial video can u take back all does downvotes? Many of my videos are curated by @leo.voter based on quality content.
Anyways i will make on making good quality content.
I do not run the LEOfinance Community. So I can not talk on their behalf. What I can do, is what I have here... I give everyone the benefit of the doubt, and share the knowledge I have obtained since joining the Blockchain in June of 2017. Transparency and honesty is the best policy. Now that you are aware... for sure. The best practice would be to not go against the guidelines and rules, of the respective communities you interact with.
Hope that helps to answer your questions my friend.