FoodMood. Again... they have just started it. But I thought you might like to see more about it... they are two good souls... just like you! Here's the link below:Well.. traditions don't start overnight... right? And you know your town better than anyone. So maybe combining what you know, with the possibility of this new food... sky is the limit! Actually... speaking of "new". We have a couple that joined The Terminal recently. Their names are @bluenix and @nidabyzt. They have recently created a Food Community called

Thank you so much for your kind words Wes, you have always tried and continue to try to help people. And we appreciate that. I've started a new job and I've been very busy and I don't have time for the computer and my wife is traveling so we're not very active on discord these days. I hope to see you soon, best regards.
Take care of "you" first. We all understand brother. Much love to you and your other half...
You have a very kind soul.
Thank you so much, Wes :)