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RE: Thoughtful Thursday Prompt #35

in ThoughtfulDailyPost6 days ago

Not trying to discourage you from posting in our community! But these specific posts are a part of the Thoughtful Thursday Prompt


's... This is something that Grindan and I have tried to bring back to life. Each Thursday, I pick a prompt topic. Well, you know, I have the guidelines explained in each Thursday prompt. You can always post content, by either using the #thoughtfuldailypost TAG, or by posting in the community. But if you are participating in the Thoughtful Thursday Prompt? It will need to be in line with the respective prompt "prompt". Here's the latest prompt... everything is explained at the beginning: I hope this helps to clarify things.

Yes, @wesphilbin, thank you. On my reading of it, I took it as a more general prompt to write something weekly in this community. And, if nothing was coming to mind, to provide a specific topic, to prime the pump so to speak.

Not so, as @marilour was quick to point out. As stated in my response, I will now know for the next time. To your comment, I will add it will not happen again. 🤝