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RE: A thought about life

in ThoughtfulDailyPost2 months ago


AI vibe to it. This could be caused by many things; what apps you use to post your content. Do you use a translator? Do you use apps to edit/check your spelling? Adding this information helps your readers know that you are serious about providing us with your Original content


Hello there! Your words are new in our community. So I wanted to offer some advice in hopes of helping elevate the awesome of your account and help you to succeed on our blockchain. The first thing I would suggest (if you have not yet) would be to read our rules from the "About" section of our community! Here is a safe link to do so: You did source your image used. But your text was well below the suggested 300-word count and has a very . I will let you read through those rules and also suggest you check out our "Posting Guide" which can be found here: Once you have read through these, please come back and apply what you've learned... won't you?

Namaste, hope you are good yes I use a translator Also spelling checker

 last month  


Thank you for letting me know! I always recommend that the tools used; translator, spell check, be listed, so your reader's are aware. Conversely... you can edit your content to make the changes you've learned. From what we've discussed, as well as what you've learned from reading our community rules and Posting Guide. That way, your post can be curated!
