A warm welcome to you miss Genius Ayyat 🤗 good to see such a gem again getting fit into the content creation crown of Pakistan.
Everything that happens, happens for our best.
This is the motivation which keeps you alive, perhaps getting back into the writing block is the most difficult one.
they can't stay silent and say always appreciated comments that cherish me.
Talent can't remain hidden, as the most mischievous kids are super smart, same the wrongly judged talent also astonishes the world.
I don't have to instruct you regarding blogging or anything else as I am confident that you will achieve your goals in a short time 🥰
More powers to you cutie pie.
(1/1) sent you LUV.
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Thank you for your warm words ayesha...its been a long time so the writer inside me needs more energy and inspirstion to wake up😂
Would try my best to fill up some left spaces and wont make you down ...
Wake up girl until I am doing to drop the bucket(of motivation, not water 😂) on you and you would be dying as fish dies in water 🤣 oh God how funny I am today I need to rest 😜