- بسم اللہ الرحمان الرحیم
- اسلام علیکم
Content is purely mine only post is made and submitted by my PAPA @glimpsytips

- My picture edited by PAPA.
- Hi there everyone, I am Muhammad Azeem from Lahore, Pakistan. I am five years old. My father @glimpsytips loves #HIVE so much that he talks almost all the time about hive in the home. I asked my papa that I also want to make an account on Hive with my name. He tried to make my account as was asked but only Azeem was not available so I told him to use word spiderman with my name. I love spiderman movies, all parts. I got one sister @sania.fairy and one brother @sami.ullah. Right now as I am a kid, I will share my pics with you and soon will learn from my papa @glimpsytips and mama @jugnoo to do this. Ok that is enough introduction.
Well my younger bro @azeem.spiderman, U ve made your very first post. Soon me too and @sami.ullah my eldest bro will get our post submitted by papa @glimpsytips.
Yes of course I will share my introduction but only @glimpsytips my papa can help me.