Thank you!So I owe thanks to @holoz0r and @onthemountain to bring you to wider audience!
Quick look on your account gave me impression that you are one witty creature 😀
I would say welcome, but you are not exactly that 'new' to hive:) So never mind that :D I wish you a good fun!
Rogue is embodiment of cuteness and she has nice couch too!
BTW, Is there the need to have a beard to be friends with @holoz0r? I see a pattern here...
You mean you don't have a beard?
Do you have to be so loud about it??
Feel so ashamed ;<
Its okay, we can still be friends and allies in the war against dill.
Not much, but it's always a some consolation :D
Or perhaps I have benefited from the wit of @holoz0r and @onthemountain - thanks for your warm welcome. Your portrait of Holo is truly amazing - you are an an extremely talented artist.
Rogue's couch is actually orthopedic and perhaps more expensive than some low-end human beds 😆
Ohhhh... @holoz0r and @onthemountain may have a bearded surprise coming soon :)
Thanks for the warm (re)welcome!
This or that - doesn't really matter as long as you continue your journey:)
Thank you kindly Sir!
Fancy stuff, eh? Good for Rouge:)
WHAAAAAT? And now I have to just what... wait?!
It may or may not be a podcast.
I imagine that Russell's teapot rule applies? :D