Dióxido de Titanio:Este ingredientes actúa como un filtro solar físico, que refleja y dispersa los rayos UV, lo cual lo diferencia de otros filtros solares ya que actúa de manera inmediata y se empieza absorber rápidamente en la piel, aparte de que es el menos irritante y más adecuado para la pieles sensibles propensas a alergias además de que este ingredientes no se desintegra con la luz solar, lo que quiere decir que su estabilidad es más duradera en comparación con otros protectores solares.
Óxido de Zinc: Este actúa como un filtro físico que refleja y dispersa los rayos UV lo cual lo hace un protector solar eficaz instantáneo ya que actúa de manera rápida a la hora de aplicar, además de aportar suavidad y que también al igual que el dióxido de Titanio es ideal para pieles sensibles, también ayuda a calmar la piel ya que gracias a sus propiedades antiinflamatorias ayudan a la piel irritada, este no se descompone fácilmente lo cual es duradero en la piel y no contiene ningún tipo de fragancias ya que sus fórmulas no contienen nada que pueda afectar a cualquier tipo de piel.
Protector Solar:El protector solar está diseñado para absorber la radiación ultravioleta (UV) antes de que alcance la piel. Contiene ingredientes químicos que absorben la radiación UV y la convierten en calor. Estos productos ayudan a prevenir las quemaduras solares y protegen la piel de los daños causados por la exposición al sol, también pueden ser conocidos como filtros solares.
Bloqueador Solar:El bloqueador solar actúa de manera diferente al protector solar ya que en lugar de absorber la radiación UV, los bloqueadores solares crean una barrera física en la piel que refleja los rayos UV antes de que puedan penetrar en las capas más profundas. Los bloqueadores solares suelen contener ingredientes minerales como óxido de zinc y dióxido de titanio, que reflejan y dispersan la radiación UV, tales minerales trabajan para bloquear físicamente los rayos solares y proteger la piel de manera efectiva.
Todas las fotos son tomadas con mi teléfono TecnoSpark20, editadas en PicsArt y en Canva.
Hello my dear community of #HIVE and @skinandbodycare 👋🏼 A pleasure and a pleasure for me to be here sharing again with all of you. I am very happy to be back on the blog since I finally have a vacation from college and I have a little more time to show you all the content I have prepared to show you.
Today I bring you this post loaded with a lot of important content about one of the main steps to take care of our skin properly. It's all about the Dólar De living blocker. 🩵 Here I will show you the benefits and correct ways to apply this product, which for me has been a great help for the small acne outbreak I have due to stress, since to take care of the face this step of sunblock is indispensable.
I'm going to tell you a little about my experience with sunscreens and how I came to buy this living brand. For quite some time I started looking for a skin care routine, researching said that the main thing to take care of the face was to use sunscreen, at that time I did not know everything related to this product and one day I went to a pool and the main thing I thought was to buy a sunscreen because I did not want to burn and always for me it has been essential to use sunscreen at the beach or pool, I bought one that seemed good for the brand and the price which was very cheap 2$ and I used it for quite some time until I ran out, Some time later my friend @barbyjr started studying to become a professional cosmetologist and she told me that the sunscreen I was using was not good because it was a replica which did not protect enough since it was not the real one, for me this was quite disappointing since I liked the product because it was not greasy and it was very economical, She realized this from the ingredients of the sunscreen and that is the fundamental thing that we have to check when buying a sunscreen, as some sunscreens or sunblock sometimes do not contain titanium dioxide and zinc oxide which are the key for a sunscreen or sunblock to really protect the skin.
***Titanium Dioxide: This ingredient acts as a physical sunscreen, reflecting and scattering UV rays, which differentiates it from other sunscreens as it acts immediately and begins to absorb quickly into the skin, besides being the least irritating and most suitable for sensitive skin prone to allergies and this ingredient does not disintegrate in sunlight, which means that its stability is more durable compared to other sunscreens. ****.
Zinc Oxide: This acts as a physical filter that reflects and disperses UV rays which makes it an instant effective sunscreen as it acts quickly when applied, in addition to providing softness and also like Titanium dioxide is ideal for sensitive skin, it also helps soothe the skin as thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties helps irritated skin, this does not break down easily which is long lasting on the skin and does not contain any fragrances as their formulas do not contain anything that can affect any type of skin.
These main ingredients are the key to excellent skin protection combined with collagen, elastin and Vitamin E, minerals ideal for skin care, provide multiple benefits to this product which is proven by dermatologists to be ideal for use on the skin.
Differences between Sunscreen and Sunblock.
One question we always ask ourselves when buying a sunscreen or sunblock is what is the difference and which one
Sunscreen: Sunscreen is designed to absorb ultraviolet (UV) radiation before it reaches the skin. It contains chemical ingredients that absorb UV radiation and convert it into heat. These products help prevent sunburn and protect the skin from damage caused by exposure to the sun, they may also be known as sunscreens.
Sunblock: Sunscreen acts differently than sunscreen in that instead of absorbing UV radiation, sunscreens create a physical barrier on the skin that reflects UV rays before they can penetrate into the deeper layers. Sunscreens often contain mineral ingredients such as zinc oxide and titanium dioxide, which reflect and scatter UV radiation, such minerals work to physically block the sun's rays and effectively protect the skin.
Benefits of using sun protection.
🩵Sun damage protection: Sunscreen protects the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) radiation, which can cause sunburn, premature aging and skin cancer.
🩵Skin cancer prevention: Regular use of sunscreen has been shown to reduce the risk of developing various types of skin cancer, including melanoma, basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma.
🩵Preventing premature aging: Prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to wrinkles, age spots and loss of elasticity. Using sunscreen helps prevent these signs of aging.
🩵Maintaining skin tone evenness: Helps prevent sun spots, contributing to a more even and healthy skin tone.
🩵Reducción del riesgo de hiperpigmentación: El uso de protector solar puede ayudar a minimizar las manchas oscuras y la hiperpigmentación, especialmente en personas con piel más propensa a estas condiciones.
🩵Soothing effect for sensitive skin: Some sunscreens contain ingredients that soothe the skin, making them suitable for people with sensitive skin or specific skin conditions.
🩵Increases the effectiveness of other skin care products: Using sunscreen can boost the effectiveness of other products, such as serums and anti-aging creams, by providing additional protection.
🩵Promoting skin care habits: Incorporating the use of sunscreen into the daily routine promotes greater awareness of skin health and the importance of protecting oneself from the sun.
Solar Blocker De Living🩵.
It is a daily routine we proceed to apply 2 fingers amount of product all over the face including neck,nose and ears, it is important to reapply after 2 hours for more protection.
In the video I show you how I do it.
IMPORTANT: This product is not waterproof and is therefore not suitable for water activities 💦.
It should be noted that this brand of specialized products for the skin has 3 sunscreens and it is important to know our skin type when choosing since there is the Green 💚 which is for skin with blemishes, 💛 the yellow 💛 which is for dry and sensitive skin and this blue 💙 which is for combination or oily skin.
It is important to know our skin type and the properties of each sunscreen 😉.
I personally recommend using rose water or a moisturizer before applying the sunscreen because thanks to its texture and its immediate absorption sometimes it does not blend completely leaving the face with a very white tone but with a slightly damp skin it is easier to spread it and thus achieve a more uniform tone. My experience has been excellent, since I started using it I noticed a big difference with respect to the acne outbreak, I feel that it protects a lot and for a long time, besides it is special for oily skin and at all leaves my face illuminated, its aroma is pleasant and it is totally matte, ideal for my skin type, Thanks to its properties I feel my skin softer and even some spots that I had have disappeared thanks to its use, sunscreens are a good option for people with sensitive skin or prone to allergic reactions to the chemical ingredients of sunscreens and I have combination skin but at the same time somewhat sensitive so this product is the most recommended.enjoyed doing it for you and it doesn't matter how old you are, even if you are a teenager, use sunscreen, it will be a great ally for a beautiful and healthy skin, besides preventing premature aging especially for those who work with cell phones or computers that are very exposed to light, use it inside and outside the house is also essential for proper protection, it is important to take care of our skin, so we come to the end of this post, as always I say goodbye with many kisses and blessings.😉😘🙏🏼
See you next time.😉💖💞 .
All photos are taken with my TecnoSpark20 phone, edited in PicsArt and Canva.
Fuente Musical: Wanna de IKSON- MUSICA SIN COPYRIGHT
▶️ 3Speak
Excelente post amiga @rubyjosleidy27 💙este bloqueador solar Living es buenísimo, se lo recomiendo a todos 🧖🏻 es primordial para cuidar nuestra piel, en realidad todos los productos Living son muy buenos para empezar una rutina! Y lo mejor de todo es tienen un precio accesible, te felicito por compartir todos sus múltiples beneficios y también como aplicarlo ✨ Éxitos y bendiciones!
Gracias amiga @barbyjr, bueno gracias a tu recomendación lo compre y no me arrepiento es el mejor de todos lo que he probado, gracias por tu apoyo incondicional besos y abrazos para ti.💕🥰😘
Excelente publicación mi niña😘 una excelente recomendación, este producto es espectacular y yo lo uso a diario porque me proteje muchísimo, además que el efecto es totalmente mate como lo mencionas, es el mejor bloqueador para nosotras que somos de piel mixta, gracias por compartir contenido tan maravilloso.😘 Éxitos y bendiciones mi cielo✨🙏🏼😘
Gracias mami hermosa por apoyarme, que bueno que también lo uses, no importa la edad que tengas tienes que cuidarte la piel con productos de calidad, gracias por estar siempre para mí te amo 😘💕🥰
Excelente producto 👍Ruby 👏👏👏la verdad te felicito. Siempre te esmeras por hacer maravillas publicaciones.Me encanta el efecto mate, la verdad que te doy las gracias por compartirlo.Mil Bendiciones 🙏 y te deseo lo mejor del mundo 🤗🙏👍
Gracias hermosa @hermaryrc por tu apoyo, si de verdad que hago este trabajo con mucho cariño para todos ustedes y me alegra que les guste, igualmente bendiciones para ti.💕🥰😘
Discord Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en
Gracias por su apoyo.🥰
Este protector solar es excelente, yo tengo unos días usándolo y me ha funcionado de maravilla...
Hay que cuidarnos ❤️