s0nikkukun cross-posted this post in RaceValley 2 years ago

RaceValley Contest: Ignition Containers Giveaway

in Hive Gaming2 years ago (edited)

We are announcing RaceValley's first collection called Ignition! This first collection comes with 6 different car models with many parts to customize.

There will only be 60,000 containers, where 1,000 are set aside for giveaways and 9,000 for the pre-sale. The main sale will count with 50,000 containers plus the remaining containers of the pre-sale.

Common44,000 (73.3%) + 5,000 Giveaway
Rare13,000 (21.7%)
Epic2500 (4.2%)
Legendary500 (0.8%) + 50 Airdrop

The 5,000 common cars reserved for giveaways are reserved to future contests.
The 50 legendary cars reserved for airdrop will be given to pre-sale buyers as a raffle, where people that bought more will have a higer chance to win.


We will be announcing the remaning 5 cars as we go, but for now you can contemplate at Hikari Rius. As promised, cars have an open room for customization, although these three may look completely different, they are all Hikari Rius.

Blog Contest

We are starting a blog contest were we will be giving away 50 Ignition containers!
You just need to create a post where you talk about RaceValley. Although the game is not released yet, you can just give your opinion about some aspects, give suggestions or a well constructed critique.

But be aware that the post should be well constructed and contain the tag #racevalley, otherwise that post might not be eligible.

This contest is only valid for one post for each account.

General Requirements
  • 40 reputation
  • Follow @racevalley
  • at least a 350 words post with the tag #racevalley giving your opinion about any aspect of RaceValley

If you do not met the followers or reputation requirement, then you should go for the requirements below.

New user Requirements
  • Follow @racevalley
  • Join our discord server and tag RaceValley Team to review your post
    • your opinion about the future of the game
    • what do you expect the game to look like
    • what do you like about the game
    • give at least one idea
    at least 800 words post with the tag #racevalley containing:

Splinterlands Tournaments

Now, if you are a Splinterlands player, this is for you.
In addition to the blog contests, we will also be hosting Splinterlands tournaments that apart from earning DEC, you can also earn Ignition containers.

The first tournament has already started so reach out to the annnouncements channel on our discord server to participate.

We will bring more contests in the feature, so if you couldn't participate inn this one, there will be more oportunities in the future!

We want to hear your thoughts! 😁 Our community is very importanto for us, we wouldn't be able to improve without the feedback from you guys.

Good luck to everyone!

Website: https://racevalley.io Discord: https://discord.gg/SgDfFwwBHx Whitepaper: https://whitepaper.racevalley.io