The entire concept of "the rule of law" is a complete joke in the United States

in Larken Rose2 months ago (edited)

At this point the entire concept of "the rule of law" is now a complete joke in the United States. "The law" means whatever politically appointed judges want to pretend it means on any given day, making the law unknowable, unpredictable, inconsistent, arbitrary and nonsensical. Lest you think that is an exaggeration, keep in mind the following:

  1. Federal District courts constantly disagree with each other about what the law is, and how the law applies.
  1. Federal District courts are often over-ruled by federal Appellate courts, meaning the appeals courts tell the lower courts, "You were wrong about what the law is!"
  1. The Supreme Court, in turn, often over-rules opinions of the appeals courts, telling them they were wrong about the law.
  1. On occasion the Supreme Court even overturns its own prior rulings, meaning they decided that they were wrong about the law.
  1. More often than not, when the Supreme Court issues a ruling, the nine Supreme Court "justices" are not unanimous, but still disagree with each other about what the law is, and how the law applies.

Meanwhile, you are expected to know what the law is, and comply with it, despite the fact that — quite literally — no one knows for sure what the law is, or what it will be on any given day, including the people who write the law (politicians), and the people who enforce the law (cops), and the people whose job it is to decide what the law means (judges).

— Larken Rose, Parasites on Parade, 2019
#LarkenRose#noLaw #quote #law #USA