There are not a few times when we come across individuals who run in the arenas of ignorance, trying to prove with acrimony that they are experts in knowledge, luminaries of excellence and magnanimous experts of the inscrutable.
However, the greatest difficulty arises when these individuals have a share of power, no matter how small and anodyne it may be, it is this that they use to make it known, if possible, to the entire world, that they are masters and gentlemen of a role that puts your name next to a title that confers a distinction of office...
No son pocas las veces en las que nos cruzamos con individuos que discurren en las arenas del desconocimiento, intentando demostrar con acritud que son peritos del saber, lumbreras de la excelencia y magnánimos expertos de lo inescrutable.
Sin embargo, la mayor de las dificultades surge cuando dichos individuos poseen una cuota de poder, sin importar lo ínfima y anodina que sea, es ésta la que utilizan para hacerle saber, si es posible, al mundo entero, de que ellos son amos y señores de un papel que pone su nombre junto a un título que les confiere una distinción de cargo…
To this nonsense is added a crowd of unlearned brats with low self-esteem, who adhere to these distinguished, with the purpose of sucking, like hungry leeches, their favor and consent, trying to keep away anyone who does not share their ideals, regardless how right they are, because they conceive it as an imminent threat.
A este dislate se suman una caterva de cazurros indoctos con baja autoestima, que se adhieren a estos distinguidos, con el propósito de succionar, cual sanguijuelas hambrientas, su favor y consentimiento, intentando alejar a cualquiera que no comparta sus ideales, sin importar cuánta razón tengan, debido a que lo conciben como una amenaza inminente.
The highlight of the case is that these types of individuals flood the positions of responsibility of any public organization. People who seek to expose the position they hold right and left, and display it with indiscriminate pride in any social network to which they have access. They love to be recognized by university degrees, despite the fact that, in the privacy of their home, they are lacking bowls and exaggeratedly eager for a pinch of self-love.
These are the liars that fall silent when their covens are approached by the one they subconsciously recognize as superior and, therefore, enemy. They plot hoaxes against those who represent an obstacle to their theater of magnanimity, and try to surreptitiously harm them, making strict decisions that harm the praxis of those who only seek to carry out the work they do responsibly.
However, the whole farce of these cretins, sinks into the oceans of shame, when the decisive moment arrives to manage, resolve, commit, comply, exercise good judgment, demonstrate values, include, decide promptly, move forward, delegate , train, innovate, and stop counting the infinitesimal list of actions that these IDIOTS are incapable of performing.
In this regard, I quote the phrases Zóez, a contemporary Venezuelan thinker:
“I the anti-leader? If I am not able to delegate and on the contrary, I want to control everything, then I am trapped in my own fabric… Do you want to evolve?” “You, my leader…? If you do not have the power of synthesis, if you are not original, if you are not creative, then you are not my leader”.
Son estos los marrajos que enmudecen cuando a sus aquelarres se acerca aquel que en su subconsciente reconocen superior y, por lo tanto, enemigo. Traman bulos en contra de aquellos que representan un óbice a su teatro de magnanimidad, y los intentan perjudicar de forma subrepticia, tomando decisiones taxativas que lesionan la praxis de quienes únicamente procuran ejercer con responsabilidad la labor que realizan.
No obstante, toda la farsa de estos cretinos, se hunde en los océanos de la vergüenza, cuando llega el momento determinante para gestionar, resolver, comprometerse, cumplir, ejercer con buen juicio, demostrar valores, incluir, decidir con prontitud, avanzar, delegar, capacitar, innovar, y pare usted de contar la infinitesimal lista de acciones que estos IDIOTAS son incapaces de realizar.
A este respecto, cito las frases Zóez, un pensador venezolano contemporáneo:
“¿Yo el antilíder? Si no soy capaz de delegar y por el contrario, todo lo quiero controlar, entonces estoy atrapado en mi propia tela… ¿Quieres evolucionar?” “¿Tú, mi líder…? Si no tienes poder de síntesis, si no eres original, si no eres creativo, entonces, tú no eres mi líder”.
Zóez - Gonzalo Barrios Pérez "Museo de las Piedras Marinas Soñadoras".
It is time to remember that a true leader is made of perseverance, patience, delivery, dedication, devotion, commitment, kindness, kindness, promptness, solidarity, enthusiasm, motivation, impartiality, among other qualities that position him as an example among crowds, without need of disseminating with bragging, the distinctions conferred by a position, since he promptly remembers that A NAME (A good reputation) has greater value than a title; and that the place where his distinctive charge lies is made of the same material as the product we use to clean our impurities when we go to the toilet... Definitely those IDIOTS...
Es tiempo de recordar que un verdadero líder está hecho de constancia, paciencia, entrega, dedicación, devoción, empeño, gentileza, bondad, presteza, solidaridad, entusiasmo, motivación, imparcialidad, entre otras cualidades que lo posicionan como ejemplo entre multitudes, sin necesidad de diseminar con alardes, las distinciones que le confiere un cargo, ya que recuerda con prontitud que UN NOMBRE (Una buen reputación) posee mayor valor que un título; y que el lugar donde yace su cargo distintivo, es del mismo material que el producto que utilizamos para asear nuestras impurezas cuando vamos al retrete… Definitivamente, esos pendejos…