Hola a todos mis compañeros de Hive y de esta bella comunidad de #Aliento, hoy quiero compartir con ustedes una sesión fotográfica que he realizado en el río Orinoco de Ciudad Bolívar, ya les había comentado que era un lugar que frecuentaba bastante ya que, es un sitio perfecto para tomar muy buenas fotografías, es casi como si el creador del universo hubiese decidido pintar una especie de lienzo con sus mejores trazos, trazos que a mi humildemente, me gusta fotografiar. Es así como inicio esta sesión fotográfica la cual he decidido llamar: "Trazos del infinito", espero lo disfruten.
Hello to all my colleagues from Hive and from this beautiful community of #Aliento, today I want to share with you a photo session that I have done in the Orinoco River in Ciudad Bolívar, I had already told you that it was a place that I frequented a lot since, it is a perfect place to take very good photographs, it is almost as if the creator of the universe had decided to paint a kind of canvas with his best strokes, strokes that I humbly like to photograph. This is how I start this photo session which I have decided to call: "Strokes of infinity", I hope you enjoy it.
He querido plasmar la puesta de sol, por supuesto cerrando el obturador de la cámara un poco para que no entre demasiada luz, al momento de hacer la captura el río se encontraba calmo, casi como si estuviese esperando ser plasmado digitalmente, acompañaban las siluetas de algunas personas que cruzaban por el lugar, instante en el que tuve que decidir si incluirles o no, pero terminé incluyéndoles ya que me gustó mucho el resultado.
I wanted to capture the sunset, of course closing the camera shutter a little so that too much light does not enter, at the time of making the capture the river was calm, almost as if it was waiting to be captured digitally, accompanied by the silhouettes of some people who were passing through the place, moment in which I had to decide whether to include them or not, but I ended up including them since I really liked the result.
I found a useful tool to frame the shot in a natural way, and it is that a boardwalk was built many years ago on the banks of the river, a boardwalk that lasts to this day almost intact as it was originally erected, it is the railings of the same that I used as a resource when taking the following photographs of a group of people who were in the lower part, some fishing and others just sharing and having fun; sometimes when we photographers seek to take a shot where there are people present, we are assailed by the doubt about whether to notify people if they want to go out in them, and that is that some do not like it and it is understandable because, it is their privacy and intimacy, but from my point of view taking photos of people doing everyday tasks without them noticing, is something that gives it an intrinsic value since they are more natural.
No quise dejar pasar la oportunidad de hacer tomas a las personas que se encontraban en el lugar, grandes y pequeños se reúnen en camaradería a disfrutar de un rato agradable al aire libre y en armonía con la naturaleza y es que, también en el malecón hay un parque infantil y zonas recreacionales mixtas, así que no es raro ver siempre el lugar repleto de personas las cuales a su vez, son excelentes modelos para hacer buenas tomas.
I did not want to miss the opportunity to take pictures of the people who were in the place, adults and children gather in camaraderie to enjoy a pleasant time outdoors and in harmony with nature and that, also on the boardwalk there are a playground and mixed recreational areas, so it is not uncommon to always see the place full of people who, in turn, are excellent models to take good shots.
El malecón también posee un lugar llamado "El puerto de las lanchitas", el cual es un pequeño puerto para pequeñas embarcaciones (su nombre resulta increíblemente adecuado) y es que, las personas usan las aguas del río para cruzar de una orilla a otra, desde Ciudad Bolívar a Soledad, y viceversa.
The boardwalk also has a place called "El puerto de las lanchitas", which is a small port for small boats (its name is incredibly appropriate) and that is, people use the waters of the river to cross from one shore to another, from Ciudad Bolívar to Soledad, and vice versa.
Bueno queridos amigos eso ha sido todo por hoy, espero haya sido de su agrado este pequeño aporte que hago a la comunidad, estaré activamente compartiendo con ustedes, espero leerles pronto! Sin más que agregar, me despido ;)
Well dear friends that has been all for today, I hope you have liked this small contribution that I make to the community, I will be actively sharing with you, I hope to read you soon! Without further ado, I say goodbye ;)
Pogramas usados / Software used: Adobe Lightroom Clasic CC.
Mis redes sociales / My social networks: Instagram
Un ojo fotográfico curioso... las de contraluz me encantaron: una buena historia.
Me gusta que te gusten, un saludo!
No te preocupes, cuídate.