Un día como hoy

in Aliento2 years ago (edited)


A veces cuando la tristeza me quiere desarmar, recuerdo tu ultimo año con nosotros.

Nunca habìas estado enferma y jamás te vì tan fuerte, no sabias de dolores incesantes y estabas fortalecida, no te vì flaquear ni renegar de nada, solo recuerdo tu humildad para aceptar tu enfermedad y tu valentìa para vencer tus dolores para no asustarme porque sabias que me llenaba de angustia verte sufrir.

Precisamente yo, que soy tan vulnerable a los malestares de mi cuerpo, a los temores de mi mente, a los miedos de que mis seres queridos me abandonen, tuve que estar tan cerca de tì para ver tu grandeza de alma y espìritu.

Sometimes when sadness wants to disarm me, I remember your last year with us.

You had never been sick and I never saw you so strong, you did not know of incessant pain and you were strengthened, I did not see you weaken or deny anything, I only remember your humility to accept your illness and your courage to overcome your pain so as not to scare me because you knew that It filled me with anguish to see you suffer.

Precisely I, who am so vulnerable to the discomforts of my body, to the fears of my mind, to the fears that my loved ones will abandon me, had to be so close to you to see your greatness of soul and spirit.


Tuve el privilegio de aprender mucho de tì, aprendí que somos màs de lo que sentimos y de lo que pensamos, que debemos honrrar el don de la vida con trabajo, con alegrìa, con enteresa, con la frente alta, sin rendirnos, sin acobardarnos, sin ceder.

¡Tremenda lecciòn me diste mamà! aprendì a no quejarme, a aguantar con los dientes apretados lo que no puedo cambiar, a pedir fuerzas del que todo lo puede, a esperar lo mejor porque Jehová Dios sabe de nuestras necesidades.

Como te extraño, como necesito todas esas conversaciones que no tuvimos, como albergo tus recuerdos, tus cabellos, tu boca siempre pintada, tu hermosa piel, tu bella presencia y ese glamour que nunca te abandonò.

Hoy como siempre quiero decirte que es un honor para mì que me tuvieras en tu vida y es mi privilegio tenerte como mi madre, como mi maestra y como líder de nuestro “clan”. Nos hiciste fuerte, unidos y como matrona de esta familia eres un ejemplo a seguir, el resultado està a la vista, y se que te fuiste tranquila porque sabes que nos amamos y nos vamos a cuidar unos a otros.

had the privilege of learning a lot from you, I learned that we are more than what we feel and what we think, that we must honor the gift of life with work, with joy, with determination, with our heads held high, without giving up, without being intimidated. without giving in

You gave me a tremendous lesson, mom! I learned not to complain, to put up with clenched teeth what I cannot change, to ask for strength from the one who can do everything, to expect the best because Jehovah God knows our needs.

How I miss you, how I need all those conversations we didn't have, how I harbor your memories, your hair, your always painted mouth, your beautiful skin, your beautiful presence and that glamor that never left you.

Today as always I want to tell you that it is an honor for me that you had me in your life and it is my privilege to have you as my mother, as my teacher and as the leader of our "clan" because you made us strong, united and as a matron of this family you are an example to follow, the result is in sight, and I know that you left calmly because you know that we love each other and we are going to take care of each other

Te extrañamos tanto mamà, pero nos consuela saber que ya no te duele nada, que las cosas mundanas que tanto daño hacen se quedaron aquì y tu partiste sin ningun equipaje por eso tenemos la certeza que vas a volver.

Sì supieras cuantos, recuerdos, cuantas anecdotas, cuantos ejemplos, cuantos aprendizajes tenemos de nuestro tiempo junto a tì.

Gracias mi reina por tanto amor, por tantos sacrificios, gracias por tus palabras y por tus silencios.

Cuan orgullosos nos sentimos, eres nuestra heroína, el mejor ejemplo . . . la mejor de las mejores.

We miss you so much mom, but it comforts us to know that nothing hurts you anymore, that the mundane things that do so much damage stayed here and you left without any luggage, that's why we are sure that you will come back.

Today one more year after your departure, another letter for you, I know you liked to read the things I wrote to you and you smiled, you gave me a hug and you told me how beautiful my love!

If you knew how many, memories, how many anecdotes, how many examples, how many learnings we have from our time with you.

Thank you my queen for so much love, for so many sacrifices, thank you for your words and for your silences.

How proud we are, you are our heroine, the best example.


Un 15 de Octubre te quisiste mudar

a una tierra lejana y allì descansar
de tanto problema, de tanto pesar
te fuiste contenta sin mirar hacia atràs y en el hermoso sueño de la espera estàs.

Que falta nos haces desde que te fuiste mamà, ya nada es lo mismo, ya nada es igual, sentimos màs frìo si tus brazos no estàn y nos faltan palabras para poder expresar, todo lo que te agradecemos tu amor,tu amistad.


On October 15 you wanted to move
To a distant land and there rest
of so much trouble, of so much sorrow you left happy without looking back 6and in the beautiful dream of waiting you are.

We miss you since you left mom, nothing is the same anymore, nothing is the same anymore, we feel colder if your arms are not there and we lack words to express, all that we thank you for your love, your friendship.

Te siento a veces, por aquì pasar
con un aroma como de azafràn, en una suave brisa o en un respirar, vienes y me abrazas en mi soledad, yo me siento pequeña una vez màs.

Recuerdo aquel dìa con gran claridad, te quitaste los dientes y quisiste jugar, a darnos un susto a todas !carà! y nos reimos tanto que caimos pà tràs, muertas de risa por tu broma mamà.

I feel you sometimes, pass by here with an aroma like saffron, in a soft breeze or in a breath, you come and hug me in my loneliness, I feel small once again.

I remember that day with great clarity, you took your teeth out and wanted to play, to scare us all! and we laughed so much that we fell backwards, dying of laughter at your joke mom


Una vez màs escribo como en esa oportunidad, que era dìa del padre y te quise exprezar, lo bien que lo habias hecho como mì papà, lloraste y me abrazaste y dijiste ¿que tal?
una hija poeta quien lo iba a pensar.

Yo me sentì feliz porque eras parca al hablar, pero ese dìa me dì cuenta que eras asì nada màs, de pura apariencia y te aprendì a desarmar, escribiendote cositas que te gustaba escuchar, te relajabas, hablabas y sonreias ademàs.

Te extraño mucho mi bella pero me pongo a pensar, que te has dormido tranquila esperando que ya, venga el principe eterno, a la orden de Jehovà, a despertarte de tu sueño y te pueda mostrar, la tierra de la que tanto hablabas y te hacìa suspirar.

"La Gloria y la Honrra sean para Jehova" decias incesante cada vez al hablar, y tu fuerza y tu brìo de nunca desmayar, venian de tu fè y de la certeza a raudal, de saber que te ibas pero que nos volveríamos a encontrar.

Once again I write as on that occasion, it was Father's Day and I wanted to express to you, how well you had done like my father, you cried and hugged me and said how are you a poet daughter who was going to think about it.

I felt happy because you were sparing when you spoke, but that day I realized that you were just like that, pure appearance and I learned to disarm you, writing you little things that you liked to hear, you relaxed, talked and smiled too.

I miss you so much my beautiful but I start to think, that you have fallen asleep peacefully waiting for the eternal prince to come, at the order of Jehovah, to wake you up from your dream and I can show you, the land of which you spoke so much and made you sign.

"Glory and honor be to the Lord" you said incessantly every time when you spoke, and your strength and your determination to never lose heart came from your faith and certainty in abundance, knowing that you were leaving but that we would meet again.