Mi presentación en Hive | My presentation in Hive

in Aliento3 years ago (edited)


Hola a todos, afortunado y encantado de formar parte de esta gran comunidad. Escuché de ustedes gracias a @cryptocubangirl que me comentó de la existencia de Hive e inmediatamente me cautivó la idea de ser parte de este vasto universo que constantemente me está sorprendiendo. Para comenzar, les haré un somero -pero no carente de detalles- esbozo de quién soy. Me llamo Ernesto Robles, soy cubano y actualmente vivo en Cuba. Soy músico de profesión y desde pequeño he estudiado en escuelas de artes, de ahí heredé la costancia, disciplina y sensibilidad que demanda ser un artista de estos tiempos. Me gusta escribir en grandes cantidades aunque no lo practico mucho, y poco a poco se ha ido convirtiendo en una deuda que crece con los años. Amo los idiomas, por lo que he aprendido tres de ellos -sueco, inglés y español- todos por mi cuenta y con la ayuda de nativos respectivamente. Aquí les estaré compartiendo en la medida de lo posible contenido que considero valioso y sobre todo auténtico. También tengo en mente saldar mi deuda con la faceta de escritor que aún continúa solapada, hasta entonces tengo otro lenguaje con el cuál romper el hielo, el más universal de todos ¨La música¨. A menudo reflexiono acerca del entorno que me circunda y lo traduzco en sonidos que serán acompañados de una breve reseña para sugerir al oyente algunas ideas, aunque tienen ustedes absoluta libertad para una autolectura, ahí radica una de las asombrosas cualidades de la música, su subjetividad.

Deseándoles un buen fin de semana me despido y que el amor y la paz guíen siempre su camino.


Hello everyone, lucky and delighted to be part of this great community. I heard about you thanks to @cryptocubangirl who told me about the existence of Hive and I was immediately captivated by the idea of ​​being part of this vast universe that is constantly surprising me. To begin, I will give you a brief -but not lacking in details- outline of who I am. My name is Ernesto Robles, I am Cuban and I currently live in Cuba. I am a musician by profession and since I was little I have studied in art schools, from there I inherited the perseverance, discipline and sensitivity that being an artist of these times demands. I like to write in large quantities although I don't practice it much, and little by little it has become a debt that grows over the years. I love languages, so I have learned three of them - Swedish, English and Spanish - all on my own and with the help of native speakers respectively. Here I will be sharing as much as possible content that I consider valuable and above all authentic. I also have in mind to settle my debt with the facet of the writer that is still underhanded, until then I have another language with which to break the ice, the most universal of all ¨Music¨. I often reflect on the environment that surrounds me and translate it into sounds that will be accompanied by a brief review to suggest some ideas to the listener, although they have absolute freedom for self-reading, therein lies one of the amazing qualities of music, its subjectivity.

Wishing you a good weekend, I say goodbye and may love and peace always guide your way.


Youtube Channel


Hello, @ernestorobles

This is @fionasfavourites from the @ocd (Original Content Decentralized) curation team. We noticed you shared your first post here on Hive - congratulations and welcome! It would also be awesome if you could do an introduction post, so our community can get to know you better. For an example of what an intro post is like, you can check out this one by my friend & curation team member - Keeping Up With the Buzz – My Introduction to the Hive Community.

Speaking of community, we have many different ones here on the blockchain, devoted to all kinds of interests. Here's a link so you can check them all out – Hive Communities.

Also since you're new, you may run into an RC (Resource Credits) error when trying to comment/post because you don't yet have enough Hive in your account yet. For assistance with a temporary delegation to get you started, be sure to check out the Gift Giver site.

Also, as this the hive can be quite confusing, the newly launched Newbies Guide is a growing repository of useful – easy to understand – posts about how the Hive ecosystem works.

For now, @lovesniper will follow your account and we are looking forward to seeing your intro post. Also, you are welcome to tag me (@fionasfavourites) and please mention @lovesniper in your intro post in order for us to be notified, so we can consider your post for OCD curation. Feel free to hop into the OCD Discord server if you have any questions!