Querida Comunidad de Hive.
Gusto en saludarlos
Como podrán darse cuenta tuve que borrar este post que ya había sido publicado inicialmente por mi persona en otra comunidad.
Realmente fue un error involuntario debido a mi inexperiencia. Pido disculpa por las molestias causadas a quienes andan curando y si defrauda el voto de quienes te siguen.
Gracias por leerme y si te gusto esta nota apóyame con tu voto o sígueme @ilsepalma1616
Dear Hive Community.
I am pleased to greet you
As you may notice I had to delete this post that had already been initially published by me in another community.
It was really an involuntary mistake due to my inexperience. I apologize for the inconvenience caused to those who are healing and if you disappoint the vote of those who follow you.
Thanks for reading me and if you like this note support me with your vote or follow me @ilsepalma1616