Hello Hivian friends. Very happy to be here again in everyone's company; Extremely grateful for all the support and love that you always give me; As you know, I am a person who visits, reads and comments on many posts a day, and something that caught my attention, a significant number of the posts talk about the bad economic situation that is very coincident with what is happening in the country. It's really amazing how fast the days go by, we are on the sixth day of the fourth month of the year, happy to announce that I am publishing the six hundred and eighty-ninth consecutive post accompanying this wonderful ¨challenge¨ by: @flaxz. #WeAreAliveTribe. #hivelsalive.
Hola amigos Hivianos. Muy feliz de estar nuevamente aquí en compañía de todos; Extremadamente agradecido por todo el apoyo y el cariño que siempre me brindan; Como saben soy una persona de visitar, leer y comentar bastantes post al día, y algo que me llamo mucho la atención, una cantidad importante los post hablan de la mala situación económica que es muy coincidente con lo que está sucediendo en el país. Es realmente increíble de cómo pasan de rápido los días, estamos en el sexto día del cuarto mes del año, feliz de anunciar que estoy publicando el post seiscientos ochenta y nueve consecutivo acompañando este maravilloso ¨reto¨ de: @flaxz. #WeAreAliveTribe. #hivelsalive.

Source: Álbum Familiar

La situación económica es crítica en gran parte del mundo, y la Argentina no es una excepción; Si bien nuestro país ya venía mal, con la llegada de la ¨pandemia¨ las cosas aquí han empeorado; Mi ciudad de Corrientes es unas de las perores ciudades del país en materia de economía
The economic situation is critical in much of the world, and Argentina is no exception; Although our country was already in bad shape, with the arrival of the "pandemic" things here have worsened; My city of Corrientes is one of the worst cities in the country in terms of economy

La situación en la que estamos viviendo es muy crítico, y sabemos que ira empeorando con el correr de los meses; Ante esta situación hay dos maneras de actuar, una es preocuparnos por lo que vendrá, la otra es ocuparnos antes que la mala situación llegue
The situation we are living in is very critical, and we know that it will get worse as the months go by; Faced with this situation there are two ways to act, one is to worry about what will come, the other is to take care of ourselves before the bad situation arrives
Como saben, nosotros hace mucho años que tenemos huerta en nuestro hogar, todos los años hacemos una determinada cantidad de siembra de diferentes ¨semillas¨; Ante la situación crítica que estamos viviendo, no obliga a ser más afectivo a la hora de sembrar y ser más inteligente con la variedad que vamos a sembrar
As you know, we have had a garden in our home for many years, every year we sow a certain amount of different "seeds"; Given the critical situation we are experiencing, it does not force us to be more affectionate when planting and to be more intelligent with the variety we are going to plant
Aquellos que siguen mis post, tienen el conocimiento que este año, si bien tuvimos una exitosa cosecha, también debemos admitir que hubo variedades de semillas que no funcionaron, y eso no es muy bueno en la situación en que vivimos que debemos ser más asertivo con lo que sembramos para aprovechar bien los espacios del suelo
Those who follow my posts, have the knowledge that this year, although we had a successful harvest, we must also admit that there were varieties of seeds that did not work, and that is not very good in the situation in which we live that we must be more assertive with what we sow to make good use of the soil spaces
Sobre esto estoy hablando en el video, va a ver algunas semillas que vamos a discontinuar, o sembrar en menos cantidades, para ofrecer espacio a las hortalizas que mejor se desarrollan en nuestro suelos; Si esto es de tu interés, no dudes en visitar el video
This is what I am talking about in the video, you are going to see some seeds that we are going to discontinue, or sow in smaller quantities, to offer space to the vegetables that best develop in our soils; If this is of your interest, do not hesitate to visit the video

Source: vimeo-free-videos
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The economy is not really good these days.
It's just bad and most governments of countries are not really helping matters at all.
Well, we will survive it all.
Thanks for sharing your opinion about this boss
Let's stay !ALIVE for better days are ahead.
It is shameful what happens in the world, the rulers never do anything to make people better
thank you very much for the great support you always give me
have a beautiful afternoonhello dear friend @ddn688 good afternoon
Fantastic to see you alive in your beauriful garden José, and great to hear that you are growing and adjusting to get a good harvest, which is very needed in these days, I hope you get a great harvest and stay awesome.
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hello dear friends @thisisawesome good night thank you very much for appreciating my work, and the good wishes are really very kind I wish you all a beautiful night
Thanks José, and take care of your garden.
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You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(6/20)@jlufer! to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome.
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through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(1/20)@jlufer! to your account on behalf of @thisisawesome.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
We had a garden in our countryside home but not now a I live in city
We are happy to see you alive. Even here in Italy the situation is not at all easy and the difficulties increase too rapidly. But being alive helps us fight any kind of adversity we want to challenge.,
Very good @jlufer this is great content for this point in time the more people can learn about growing their own food the less strain there will be for the coming inflation and shortages.
Sorry about the issues you have had buddy wishing you much success in your sowing and harvesting my friend.
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This post has been curated by the Alive And Thriving Team, we curate good content in the We Are Alive Tribe that is on topic for #AliveAndThriving, and it's included in our daily curation report on @aliveandthriving.
You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE(5/30)@jlufer! to your account on behalf of @aliveandthriving.
The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe
through the earnings on @alive.chat, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want.
Great job my friend a lot of people will be in need of this kind of information with the way the economic situations are going due to inflation.
@jlufer !ALIVE 😎
Maravilloso ver la proliferación de plantas, y qué lindas mandiocas. Me trae recuerdos de cuando viví en Misiones, la mandioca frita era una especialidad.
En este momento viviendo en Australia y tratando de hacer crecer un zapallo hace meses ya, si resultados más que flores ;)