Happy Bday to me!
So, I was supposed to post this 5 days ago but… here we are, I don't like to celebrate my bday, I'm not into getting attention. So, I don't usually go broadcasting when is the day, also I hate the whole getting old part and don't get me wrong is not like I hate wrinkles or grey hairs is more like I used to feel like I was letting the years go by and not achieving my goals.
Since I was little I knew I wanted to get a degree, have a good job and travel around, as time went by I got my degree and well the whole good job kind went on standby since I got pregnant, I live in Venezuela and good jobs here are not easy to find and then the pandemic hit, all these reasons also affected my travel dreams. So, all this kind of made me see the passing of the years as a bad thing like I was just living life but not to the expectations I had.
Enters Hive and Motherhood
Hive and Motherhood came into my life literally 08 days apart, and both made my view of life and goals change so much, Hive gave me the freedom and independency financially I needed to not have to get a job I hated it, and Motherhood gave me the grow and maturity I needed to focus on the things that matter.
Now I know you are supposed to be mature and all that before being a mom, but, this is a whole new level, even tho you think you are mature when you become a mom and actually live through the experience of having to be responsible for another human that you made in your body, well you realize you were just a kid before lol.
I also know Hive can’t be considered a “Job” but if you really dedicate yourself to it, to make good content, to grow your community, to networking, well working in the blockchain is kind of a job, that has its ups and downs that probably wont make me rich but that again has allow me to financially survive without the need of a real life job, specially with a small child that requires me to be a stay at home mom for now.
Hive has help me so much beyond just the financial aspect that by itself is a HUGE help, but also mentally, when I was pregnant and alone (while baby daddy worked on the field) in a city I didn’t truly knew, with my mom and sister hundreds of KMs away, I found in Hive the friends to keep me company, to vent and to laugh with, it gave me a new found love for content creation and it gave me sense of property, and a love for teaching and helping others.
I still have a dream job that I hope someday I will find, I still think I need to better prepare myself, like doing a post grad on international law, or another specialization, I haven't abandoned my career as a lawyer but having Hive has also made me realize I can focus in more than criminal law I could try and go the crypto law way. But, I don't see the need to rush anymore I don't feel like if the years go by without me having found this dream job, like I wasting my time. I don't feel this way cause right now I'm doing something I love, something that fulfills me and makes me happy.
As for the travel part of my goals, I still have them, and how Hive has affected that is the most amazing thing, I can say I have friends I want to meet in so many countries around the world now, my travel goals were pretty basic, go to a history fill places, and beautiful beaches and just enjoy, now I want to go hug a lot of people too! I can say I have so many open doors if I want to go to so many different places, I just need the money to make the trip lol, but this is a work in progress, that I no longer fill like a failure because I haven't had the chance to travel outside my country, since being a mom, I cant see myself traveling anywhere without my kid, but I also don't want to travel with a small kid is not only expensive but annoying, so I hope I can begin to make this dream come true when the kid is a bit older, not by much he is currently 3 almost 4 years old, so I think when he is at least 6 so, he can remember the trips and can enjoy them more.
5 years of Hive in 35 years of life
I feel grateful and I feel this was just mean to be, my love for the chain, what it represents the opportunities it offers my life it has made the last 5 years of my life so much happier and better.
I no longer feel like I don't like to celebrate my birthdays. In fact, I feel complete and not still chasing the dream, like I said, I will still work to better prepare myself, to find a job in my profession, to travel around, but those are add ons on a pretty good life I'm living right now.
I may not have it all, and still have some basic needs to cover like finding a better house with better internet connection, and still struggle with money some times to pay bills but my life is good, I have a beautiful family, I have amazing friends, I do something that I love doing while being the mom I want to be for my kid. I think I have it good and not is not conformism is more on knowing to
The celebrations
So, to talk a bit about my birthday, the boyfriend asked me, what I wanted to do for my day. I'm a pretty tv and chill kind of person (nope not Netflix since I don't have internet I cant =( do Netflix) so, I asked for him for sleep time, if you are a parent you KNOW HOW IMPORTANT THIS GIFT TRULY IS! The kid and dad worked on getting my breakfast in bed by 11 am so I had a pretty good night's sleep and almost half a morning's sleep too!.
By noon I was asked what I wanted to eat and the boyfriend deliver a pretty awesome fried chicken my favorite, it was so good and crunchy.
As for the cake, he did a Quesillo my favorite thing he makes but since it didn’t turn out as good looking as he wanted (it tasted amazing as ever) he went and got me a chocolate cake, it was a small one but omg so yummy.
I got to be in bed all day with the men I love the most, and even my dad travel to my town to be with me so that made me feel even more happy.
I had a pretty simple but just fill with love birthday, and just thinking about it now makes me happy again.
As always, thank you very much for reading me and
I hope to read your comments!
Picture Credits: All images are of my property unless said otherwise, the emojis are made with Bitmoji.com & Icons with icons8
For Mom life, life style, Cooking & More, please go to @victoria.bsb
Felicidades Victoria, que las bendiciones de Dios siempre te acompañen.
Que esos estudios de posgrado que quieres hacer se hagan realidad, al igual que puedas conocer a esas personas alrededor del mundo cuando tu niño esté un poco más grande y puedas disfrutar los viajes como quieres.
Que bueno que unas horas de sueño, una buena comida con postre y la compañía de tus amados hombres hicieron de tu día algo especial.
Saludos y bendiciones.
Very happy BIRTHDAY to you
Por qué tú no dices que cumples años, ah? Ahora me traes tortaaa. Jajajajaja. Feliz cumpleaaaañoooossss chamaaaa... Quiero torta, jum.
En teoria aun tengo torta que me hizo mi hermana cuando llegue. Pero aja ella no cocina y la quemo 😂 si te puedo dar.
Feliz cumpleaños 🎂, la vida siempre te abrirá caminos y nuevas oportunidades ✨😊 saludos .
🤗 gracias
H-BDAY, God bless you. 🎉🎉🎊🎊🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂🎂. Muchas cosas lindas para tu vida linda Victoria. ❤️
Gracias nena!
¡Feliz cumpleaños de parte del equipo Aliento!
Aunque a veces nos das dolores de cabeza por nominar muy tarde, nos amenazas con un cuchillo y nos obligas a hacer cosas que no nos gustan, te queremos y apreciamos mucho.
😂 Si les gustan pero muy en el fondo por eso yo les saco a relucir su talento obligandolos.
⚔️🗡️ Gracias ❤️ yo no los quiero a ustedes solo a Gris que si me cae bien. 😂
What a beautiful and insightful message! Best of luck to you as you embark on that new creative journey.
thank you so much!
Saludos en algo nos parecemos a mi tampoco me gusta celebrar mi cumpleaños pero siempre hay alguien que te coloca o si estado de wasapp o el facebook que es chismosito jajaja igual felicidades por tu cumpleaños y nunca es tarde para volver a empezar bendiciones 💞🎉🎂
jajajaja el chismoso de facebook por alla me felicitn personas con las que ni hablo desde hace años es cierto.
!Happy birthday @victoriabsb . You've got the best gift in life : the love of your boyfriend and family.😍
thank you! yes i do!
Saludos amiga, feliz cumpleaños, muchas felicitaciones y bendiciones para ti, saludos.
Hola @victoriabsb Felicidades por todo lo que has conseguido en tu vida, y por poder festejar un año más de vida con tanto amor a tu al rededor.
Entiendo que muchas personas se siente como tú respecto a festejar su cumpleaños, porque a mí también me paso cuando estaba por cumplir 20 o 21 años. Pero unos años después algo pasó y me cambió la perspectiva de los cumpleaños: Entendí que alcanzar un año de vida más era una bendición, que sin importar las circunstancias actuales todo cambia y que de un momento a otro podía dejar esta vida.
Desde ese momento mi cumpleaños es algo emocionante para mí, trato de festejarlo con el mayor número de mis seres queridos, que no siempre van a estar, ellos también pueden morir en cualquier momento y mi cumple es un buen pretexto para vernos y convivir un rato.
Espero que sigas disfrutando de los logros que has alcanzado hasta el momento y que tengas una vida larga, prospera y llena de amor.
gracias! sip uno con el pasar del tiempo va viendo como es mejor festejar y vivir en el momento que pensar en lo que no se pudo cumplir o aun falta por cumplir.
¡Felicidades !
Gracias!! ❤️
Lolz...this makes two of us. Haha. I'm not big about my birthdays but I can be very loud on other people's birthdays so, HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you. Haha
I'm inspired by these experience of yours on this blockchain. I had a dream job but when I got into the job, I discovered that I didn't really love the job. Thankfully, I got into writing and it's been fun all the way. Still looking forward to earning sufficiently from my writing, but I know it will happen someday.
I believe you had a splendid birthday. Hopefully, you will get to start traveling all over the world before your next birthday.
Feliz cumpleaños, te deseo lo mejor como siempre y aunque a veces se me olvidan estas fechas importantes,no por eso dejas de estar en mi corazón, sabes que te aprecio mucho, esto de crecer es bastante emocionante y aterrador a la vez ahora que me puse a pensar sobre ello jaja, pero bueno no me quiero salir del asunto, mis mejores deseos chica, besos y abrazos para ti.
gracias feo!! jajajaja mejor no pensar en lo viejos que nos estamos poniendo cada año que pasa.
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He podido sentir la sinceridad en cada párrafo de tu post, una publicación de cumpleaños tan abierta que parece catarsis 😁 de sueños que al principio parecieron frustrados pero en realidad son ilusiones que se transformaron en hechos de un adulto sin prisa.
No te imaginas cuanto me identificó contigo en la parte de no querer celebrar el cumpleaños y de llamar la atención. Yo cumplí el mes pasado y mi post quedó en espera para el año que viene será 😆😂
@victoriabsb te deseo larga vida personal y en hive, que tus logros sigan teniendo un propósito verdadero y que el amor nunca a se aparte de tu vida. 🥰🤗
queria publicarla alla pero como menciono a Hive preferi que @soy-laloreto no me muteara y luego me pegara.
Yo te iba a pegar igual por no haberme dicho cuando cumplías años. Jajajajaja. Allá se puede hablar de Hive mientras no lleguen a quejarse de la plataforma y de los que interactúan en ella.
Feliz cumpleaños atrasado Victoria! 🎂🌷 Mis mejores deseos para ti. Que todos tus sueños se hagan realidad. Y te deseo muchos más años llenos de felicidad junto a tus seres queridos y por supuesto muchos años más en Hive. 🤗