I have have played and beaten everyone on the Silver LB except ueyuey, and we have played many times. All three of the players named are extremely good players, and I have studied their decks many times. These allegations sadden me. My initial reaction was one of resentment towards those making such accusations. It felt like another instance of a group making wild statements in an effort to pressure a governing body to cancel someone. I also know and respect Kira, so I have closely read this post and all comments. I look forward to the opportunities when I play top tier players. Seeing that such great players with remarkable decks are possibly resorting to cheating is very disappointing. I noticed a couple days ago that two of the individuals named had exceptionally and abnormally high win rates this season. This stuck me as very odd. Most players in the top 25 will have win streaks in the teens to twenties, and occasionally into the thirties. This season is peculiar. I'm not accusing anyone of cheating, but these numbers are abnormal by a considerable degree.
I honestly hope that these allegations are false. The Earnest Samurai JPN flag is one that I always look forward to seeing on the opposing side of a battlefield. I don't want that competitive feeling tarnished.
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I thought an abnormally high win streak means win trading too before but it turned out to be false. When I look at the current champion leaderboard, multiple zeakio accounts have abnormally high win streaks. This is not just this season. They had an extremely high win streak in previous seasons as well. I checked their battle history and they are battling with normal players.

I quickly learned that they're just extremely good at this game.
Did anyone even check ueyuey, shnapoon, halfblue's youtube channels? I know they are speaking Japanese, so you might not understand but you can at least tell they are playing the game legitimately.
Yes, they are not the only players with high win streaks! Even oldmanQT on Youtube had a 60 win streak. Obviously he is not win trading.
how do you think multiple ZEAKI accounts have abnormally high win rates?
I meant to type win streak, sorry.