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RE: V4VApp didn't work last night for a couple of hours: here's why

in Value 4 Value2 years ago

Those routing loops can be tricky to resolve. All it takes is 1 redundant patch cable to confuse the network. Some switches are smart enough to prevent that from happening though if you configure them properly. I believe the protocol is called STP. @privex


While our switches and routers do use Spanning Tree Protocol, and no network changes were made to trigger the routing loop - unfortunately it still happened.

Strangely using STP debugging commands and checking the logs of each switch - it wasn't even clear that it was an STP loop, we only managed to determine that it was a routing loop through trial and error, by turning ports off until the network came back up.

It's unclear why the issue was triggered, given no network changes were made for a long time, but nevertheless, we've resolved the issue :)

Just keeping my home network running is hard enough!