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RE: Hive to Lightning Gateway Fees | v4vapp

in Value 4 Value7 months ago


I have earned some Satoshi in a game on telegram and I want to send 31 Satoshi from my lightning wallet on telegram to my account.

I entered my address like this [email protected] and after that scan the Qrcode, the first and second method was not accepted as valid LNURL... deposit address.

Is it possible to make this transaction with an LNURL... address generated by my account on V4VAPP?

As explain in the article

if sats are sent to the Lightning Address [email protected] they will be held as KeepSats on You can use these sats to pay for a Lightning invoice without being charged a conversion fee.

This method was successful only after I deposited the sats from the game in the app "Wallet of Satoshi" then transfer the rest of fee deduction to [email protected]

Thank you for your help