Hi Vanessa! Can I share with you another site that you could post on too? It also helps you earn from your posts and presentations. Would you be interested?
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Hi Vanessa! Can I share with you another site that you could post on too? It also helps you earn from your posts and presentations. Would you be interested?
Hello @aussieninja . Yes, with pleasure. I am always open to meeting new communities and platforms.
Awesome! The platform is https://gfam.live/ and it's all about creating a post with a photo and a story. If you can create an account (don't worry about the XUMM wallet part) and make a Hello post.. then if you like it we can set you up to receive tips for your posts.
If you have any questions, I followed you on Instagram with the gFam.live account so feel free to DM me there.
Si quieres cambiar tu foto de perfil en gFam, aquí tienes algunas instrucciones:
gFam prefiere un solo post por día... para dar a todos una oportunidad justa de recoger consejos.