Combatiendo el desánimo con inspiración - El camino del animador [SPA/ENG]

in Catarsis3 days ago

Cuando trabajas en el mundo creativo, especialmente con la animación y diseños, es normal encontrarte con trabajamos de otros animadores que te dejan boquiabierto. Es impresionante ver como otros animadores dominan After Effects, con un criterio de animación y diseño fluidos y naturales, logrando composiciones visuales impactantes, pero que al mismo tiempo, pueden ser abrumadores e inspiradoras. Continuar aprendiendo para ser un animador, a sido una tarea difícil, donde he tenido que auto motivarme muchas veces, fue así cuando en medio de un dia de desánimo surgió esta frase en mi mente:

No te desanimes cuando veas a otros hacer cosas increíbles, pensando que no estás a su nivel, en cambio, inspírate y continua, toma tiempo, pero si sigues, también llegarás ahí.

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Fighting Discouragement with Inspiration - The Animator's Path

When you work in the creative world, especially with animation and design, it's normal to come across work from other animators that leaves you speechless. It's impressive to see how other animators master After Effects, with a fluid and natural animation and design sense, achieving impactful visual compositions, but at the same time, they can be overwhelming and inspiring. Continuing to learn to be an animator has been a difficult task, where I've had to self-motivate many times. It was like that when, in the middle of a day of discouragement, this phrase arose in my mind:

Don't be discouraged when you see others doing incredible things, thinking you're not at their level. Instead, be inspired and continue, it takes time, but if you keep going, you'll get there too.

Me apresure a escribirla para conservarla siempre como una máxima en mi vida, no es nada espectacular, pero surgió en un momento de profunda reflexión e introspección personal. Me siento orgulloso de lo mucho que he progresado en este aspecto, porque en el pasado ya hubiera tirado la toalla, poder avanzar a pesar del obstáculo del desánimo, he dedicado muchas horas y días a varios proyectos, teniendo claro que es la clave para lograr el dominio de las técnicas de animación.

I rushed to write it down to always keep it as a maxim in my life. It's nothing spectacular, but it arose in a moment of deep reflection and personal introspection. I'm proud of how much I've progressed in this aspect, because in the past I would have thrown in the towel. Being able to move forward despite the obstacle of discouragement, I've dedicated many hours and days to various projects, being clear that it's the key to mastering animation techniques.

La inspiración debe ser el combustible creativo

Admirar lo que otros hacen no tiene porque ser un sinónimo de frustración, al contrario, he comenzado a utilizarlo como motivación para desarrollar mi propia creatividad. Cada vez que quedo impresionado con el trabajo de otros, me esfuerzo como verlo como una lección para saber que no estoy haciendo bien y como puedo mejorar, suelo hacerme preguntas: ¿Como hizo eso? ¿Cuál será su storyboard? y comienzo un proceso mental de las posibles técnicas y herramientas aplicadas.

Inspiration must be creative fuel

Admiring what others do doesn't have to be synonymous with frustration. On the contrary, I've started to use it as motivation to develop my own creativity. Every time I'm impressed with the work of others, I strive to see it as a lesson to know what I'm not doing well and how I can improve. I usually ask myself questions: How did he do that? What will his storyboard be? And I begin a mental process of the possible techniques and tools applied.

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El camino del aprendizaje es un viaje personal

Lo cierto es que hay personas que nacen con talento, pero creo que otros lo desarrollan y eso toma tiempo, dedicación y mucha práctica. Eso a sido otro desafío para mi, apesar de aplicar muchas horas para aprender, me gustaría disponer de más, otras obligaciones me restan tiempo, y no dejo de pensar que retardan mi progreso, sin embargo, no dejo de motivarme para seguir porque se que los grandes animadores estuvieron en mi posición alguna vez.

The path of learning is a personal journey

The truth is that there are people who are born with talent, but I believe that others develop it and that takes time, dedication, and a lot of practice. That has been another challenge for me, despite applying many hours to learn, I would like to have more. Other obligations take up my time, and I can't help but think that they delay my progress, however, I keep motivating myself to continue because I know that the great animators were in my position once.

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Recuerdo que mientras estudiaba, me impresionaba como otros, quizás más jóvenes, culminaban las tareas y examenes mas rapido. Al principio siempre era el último en entregar, pero al cabo de un tiempo, me di cuenta que era el único en entregar dentro de las fechas límites, mis compañeros comenzaron a quedarse rezagados, la razón, no practicaban lo que aprendían, en cambio yo si lo hacía y dominaba los pequeños detalles que otros olvidaban, lo que me lleva a la importancia de no compararnos con el punto de llegada de otros, solo hay que enfocarnos en nuestro propio ritmo celebrando en el proceso cada avance.

I remember that while I was studying, I was impressed by how others, perhaps younger, completed tasks and exams faster. At first, I was always the last to hand in, but after a while, I realized that I was the only one to hand in within the deadlines. My classmates began to fall behind, the reason, they didn't practice what they learned, while I did and mastered the small details that others forgot, which leads me to the importance of not comparing ourselves with the finish line of others, you just have to focus on our own pace celebrating each advance in the process.

Images made with ImageFX AI, you can find the prompts below


"A vibrant and uplifting scene of a young animator sitting at a desk with a glowing computer screen showing a complex animation in After Effects. The room is filled with creative energy, with colorful light beams, floating geometric shapes, and a motivational quote written in the air: 'Don’t be discouraged, be inspired.' The animator looks determined, with a spark of inspiration in their eyes, surrounded by sketches, storyboards, and a sense of progress. The atmosphere is dynamic, futuristic, and full of hope."

"A somber yet hopeful scene of an animator sitting alone in a dimly lit room, staring at a blank computer screen. The screen reflects their face, showing a mix of frustration and deep thought. Outside the window, a storm rages, symbolizing inner turmoil, but a small ray of sunlight breaks through the clouds, illuminating a notebook on the desk where the words 'Keep going, you’ll get there' are written. The mood is introspective, with a touch of optimism."

"A split-screen illustration showing the journey of an animator. On one side, a young animator struggles with a simple animation, surrounded by books, tutorials, and a messy desk. On the other side, the same animator, now more confident, creates a stunning, complex animation with ease. Between the two scenes, a winding path made of frames from animations symbolizes progress, with milestones like 'First Project,' 'Practice,' and 'Mastery' marked along the way. The overall mood is motivational, emphasizing growth and dedication."