Bueno queridos amigos de Hive, una vez más estoy por aquí, para contarle otra de mis locas vivencias que he tenido con el paso de los años..
Vamos a definir frustacion:
Son todo de sentimientos que experimentamos las personas como pueden ser la cólera, tristeza o ansiedad, cuando una expectativa (deseo, proyecto, ilusión) no se cumple; cuando no recibimos lo que esperábamos.
Y pues eso fue, lo que siempre senti cuando veia a mis barbies. TRISTEZA, una gran tristeza por dentro!

English version
Well dear friends of Hive, once again I'm here to tell you about another of my crazy experiences I've had over the years.
Let's define frustration:
They are all of feelings that people experience such as anger, sadness or anxiety, when an expectation (desire, project, illusion) is not fulfilled; when we do not receive what we expected.
Concept taken from google:
And that's what I always felt when I saw my barbies. SADNESS, a great sadness inside!
Well it all started in 1988, when my mom found out she was going to be a mom for the first time, I can imagine all the emotions that came to her head, when she found out that news and like every woman, who can't find out she is pregnant because she buys clothes, toys, baby accessories, Barbies and so on, mine was no exception, As soon as my mother knew she was going to be a girl, she started buying Barbies, she was working in a well known commercial establishment in the city of Maracay and since there was a bonanza, the money was enough to satisfy basic and complementary needs, my mother bought me Barbies and I, even being in her belly, also when the Mattel distributor came to the store, I would bring her some exclusive dolls so that my mother would continue with the collection, some of my mother's acquaintances also gave me some as gifts.
When I was born, they were not going to give me the dolls to play with, because I was sure I would damage them.
It is worth mentioning that I always had my room to myself, where my mother arranged all my things, toys, clothes, bed, etc., and she painted a pink wall and there she hung ALL MY BARBIE dolls, and so the days, months, years and more years went by and when I was 5 or 6 years old, which was the perfect age to play with my Barbie, but according to my mom she was still very small and she was sure to damage them, so more years went by, always with the illusion of someday playing with the Barbie's I always had, that were mine but from a distance.

Después al cabo de los años se le ocurrió la idea de que podía bajar y jugar con las Barbie, cuando cumpliera los 15 años, que horror, porque, que persona a esa edad va a estar pendiente de estar jugando con muñecas, ya estaba en el liceo, la adolescencia, donde lo que yo estaba pendiente era de un matiné, del bochinche por así decirlo. Después de cumplir los 15 años mi mama vio que yo ni pendiente de las muñecas que tanto admiré y quise tener en mis manos, entonces un dia me dice ya que como tú nunca jugaste con las barbies, allí tienes para que se las des a tu hija y ella pueda jugar..
Yo le dije: ¡Si está bien, no le vi ningún problema!
English version
I have to say that I did play with Barbie but I borrowed them from my aunt Carmen America in Caracas, who is 4 years older than me, and that was during school vacation time, the easiest days for me, were from July 20 until the end of August, my aunt had a variety of Barbies, the car and the pink Barbie house, she used and played with everything that was bought, I could not have that luck.
After a few years she came up with the idea that I could go downstairs and play with Barbie, when I turned 15, what a horror, because, what person at that age is going to be aware of playing with dolls, I was already in high school, adolescence, where what I was aware of was a matinee, the bochinche so to speak. After I turned 15 years old, my mother saw that I was not even aware of the dolls that I admired so much and wanted to have in my hands, then one day she told me that since you never played with Barbies, there you have them so you can give them to your daughter and she can play.
I told him: "Yes, that's fine, I didn't see any problem!
En el 2017 pensé en venderlas y las puse en venta, pero Venezuela no es un mercado de coleccionista.
Pues hasta el sol de hoy todavía las tengo conmigo, siguen en sus cajas originales, ya los protectores de plástico al igual que las cajas de cartón están un poco deterioradas, por los años, algunas son más viejas que yo, pero las muñecas están intactas, están allá en mi cuarto, en mi casa en Venezuela, en una caja de cartón arriba de mi closet.
English version
When my brother was born they also wanted to apply the same to him as they did to me, but with the remote control cars, since he was a little boy they always gave him those cars and the same to hang them on the wall of his room, and my brother at the age of 6 years old more or less wanted to play with that, Then he would look for a chair, get on it and with the stick of the sweeping brush, he would move the boxes until he managed to knock them down, take out the cars, put the batteries (they always left the batteries inside the boxes), and when my mother realized he already had his own fangodromo in the room, I enjoyed, played and damaged those cars because when they didn't start, she would look for the screwdrivers to take them apart and see why they didn't want to work, I never knew what it was like to take a doll out of the box, play with it, comb it, cut its hair, cut its hair, cut its hair, cut its hair, cut its hair, cut its hair, comb her, cut her hair, make her bald, hahahahahaha, paint her face, change her clothes, yes how to damage her, in short this stage of my life I did not burn it since I did not live it and as now Barbie is in fashion I wanted to tell you my frustration for her, Ah I also have 1 Ken, Hahahaha.
In 2017 I thought about selling them and put them on sale, but Venezuela is not a collector's market.
Well, to this day I still have them with me, they are still in their original boxes, the plastic protectors as well as the cardboard boxes are a little deteriorated, because of the years, some are older than me, but the dolls are intact, they are there in my room, in my house in Venezuela, in a cardboard box on top of my closet.
Gracias por haber llegado hasta aqui.
Un consejos si les doy, si tienen hijos y le compran juguetes, dejenlos que jueguen con ellos, no sean como mi mama, a los niños hay que dejarlos quemar etapas!
Todas las fotos son de mi autoria!
Samsung S7 Edge
O sea que nunca pudiste jugar con ninguna de las muñecas colgadas en tu cuarto? Eso es como tener un televisor pero sin encenderlo. Ya entiendo tu frustración. La moraleja; cuando tengas tus hijos no los llenes de juguetes, enseñales a crear sus propios juguetes. Saludos
Wao, me llegó al corazón tu historia, teóricamente tenías lo que querías, pero de nada te servía ya que no podías usar las muñecas que tanto te gustaban, a los 15 años ya uno no está pendiente de muñeca, pero que lastima que nunca pudiste quemar esa etapa, espero que encuentres algo que hacer con tus barbies.
Me hiciste llorar, me encantó tu publicación que gusto haber hablado de las Barbies de esta forma. Si hay que dejarlos jugar y destrozar las cosas. Aun sigo suspirando por tus Barbies, me hiciste recordad a Toy History, el gorda que nunca salio de la caja. ejejej. Exito.
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Oye qué error se comete como padres, yo también estuve a punto de cometer ese error, pero al final dejé que mi hijo jugara y destrozara sus carros, total! Los compré para que él jugará, no para un museo.
Wow que increíble este caso, jamás había escuchado o leído de alguien que los juguetes que les compraban de pequeños se los colgaban como adornos en el cuarto y no los dejaban jugar.
Tomaré esto como consejo jaja soy de las mamas que anda cuidandole los juguetes a la hija! Pero supongo que tu mamá lo hizo porque las barbies eran costosas jaja
Gracias por compartir tu historia
Vaya! Es una enseñanza tu historia, a veces no hay que dejar para mañana lo que puedes hacer hoy. Gracias por compartir tu historia!