El año pasado fue para mí un año de tristeza,de fortaleza,de aprender,pero más que todo de sufrir no se bien ni con que palabras puedo ir expresando todo lo que me pasó, me corrieron a mi y a mi familia de dónde vivíamos,resolvimos vivir en una pequeña pieza en alquiler que la verdad no estuvo tan mal porque éramos solo nosotros mis dos hijos y mi esposa estábamos tranquilos , todo empezó cuando mi hermana mayor 45años tuvo una recaída con el cáncer que ya tenía 7 años batallando,empezó a empeorar ,empezaron a pedir exámenes y medicinas para las cuales no tenías económicamente para cubrirlo y aunque hicimos vendimia,pedimos ayuda simplemente no fue suficiente,le empezaron hacer transfusión de sangre lo que hizo que tuviera una reacción a perder la memoria,poco a poco fue dejando de reconocer me a mi ,y a nuestros hermanos ,luego a nuestra propia madre y a su propia hija ,un día simplemente ya no sabía quién eramos ,tuvimos que empezar a darle pastillas para que durmiera , empezó a orinar se y demás ,a pollo mi sobrina le tocó empezar a limpiarla a bañarla era una niña prácticamente,hasta que el 13 del mismo mes se quedó dormida ,yo me fui como de costumbre de regreso a mi casa y a las 9pm ,me llama mi otro hermano y me dice "se nos fue Marge" así se llamaba mi hermana margelis ,eso me destrozó,me vesti rápidamente le dije a mi esposa "se me murió mi hermana" y me fui ,fue una noche larga ,esperando a la funeraria,haciendo el papeleo que me pidieron y el siguiente día ver a mi madre destrozada ,saben ella no lloro ,no lloro solo dijo "por fin está descansando" eso fue muy doloroso,la enterramos y pasaron los días pensé que quizás ya paria el sufrimiento y saben no fue así
Last year was for me a year of sadness, of strength, of learning, but above all of suffering, I do not know well or with what words I can express everything that happened to me, they sent me and my family from where we lived, We decided to live in a small room for rent that the truth was not so bad because it was just us, my two children and my wife were calm, it all started when my 45-year-old older sister had a relapse with cancer that was already 7 years struggling, she began to worse, they began to ask for tests and medicines for which you did not have financially to cover it and although we did harvest, we asked for help it was simply not enough, they began to give him a blood transfusion which caused him to have a reaction to lose his memory, little by little it was ceasing to recognize me, and our siblings, then our own mother and her own daughter, one day I just didn't know who we were anymore, we had to start giving her pills to make her sleep, she started to urinate ar se and others, my niece had to start cleaning her chicken and bathing her, she was practically a girl, until the 13th of the same month she fell asleep, I went back to my house as usual and at 9pm, my Another brother told me "Marge left us" that's what my sister was called Margelis, that destroyed me, I dressed quickly I told my wife "my sister died" and I left, it was a long night, waiting for the funeral home , doing the paperwork they asked me and the
A los dos meses de perder a mi hermana ,a mi madre por más pendiente que estuvimos de ella, le acabo dando un ACB mi hermano que vivía con ella llego a mi muy asustado diciéndome "Gio,a flor la sacaron de emergencia al seguro" (flor nombre de mi madre) cuando llegamos al seguro ,me piden que le vaya hacer varios exámenes y una placa ,con un costo muy elevado y la verdad no tenía para el examen más costoso nadie me prestó dinero,nadie me dió ayuda ,ya había pedido mucho dinero con lo de mi hermana anteriormente,mi madre tocó llevarla a la casa sin que le hicieran nada,todo paso en la mañana y mi madre en la noche parecería que se había curado ,estaba como si nada ,se queria parar,cocinar ,limpiar ,como si nada ,yo dije "Que fuerte es mi vieja" y los dos días ,todo se derrumbó ,volvió a llegar mi hermano,pero estaba vez para decirme "se murió flor la conseguí tirada en el baño" amigos sentí que me atracaron un pedazo de mi ,se me desplomó la vida perder a mi hermana y mi madre en menos de 3 meses no es fácil pero el dolor seguio porque la vida me dió duro , porque mi padre que era lo que me quedaba ,sufría del corazón y perder a su compañera de vida ,fue un golpe muy duro para el ,me tocó hospitalizar lo ,empecé a vender mis pertenencias,a pedir prestado,que no hice por conseguir dinero, para cubrir cada examen ,cada medicina pasaron 21 días
Two months after losing my sister, my mother, no matter how aware we were of her, I ended up giving her a CBA, my brother who lived with her came to me very scared saying "Gio, they took her out of the emergency insurance" (flower, my mother's name) when we got to the insurance, they asked me to do several tests and a plaque, at a very high cost and the truth was that I didn't have any money for the most expensive test, no one gave me any help. I had asked for a lot of money with my sister before, my mother had to take her home without them doing anything to her, everything happened in the morning and my mother at night it would seem that she had healed, she was as if nothing, she wanted to stop, cook, clean, as if nothing, I said "How strong is my old woman" and the two days, everything collapsed, my brother arrived again, but this time to tell me "the flower died I got her thrown in the bathroom" friends I felt that a piece of me was robbed, my life collapsed, losing my sister and my mother in less than 3 months it is not easy but the pain continued because life gave me hard, because my father, who was what I had left, suffered from the heart and losing his life partner, it was a very hard blow for him, I had to hospitalize him , I began to sell my belongings, to borrow, which I did not do to get money, to cover each exam, each medicine spent 21 days
21 días y todo fue en vano porque recibí la llamada de unos e los doctores a las 6am que mi padre le había dado un infarto y falleció con 70 años ,perdí a mis 3 familiares en menos de 5 meses 3 personas que aún me duelen y a veces no sé cómo sigo aquí soportando ,será por mis hijos que me dan fuerza de seguir pero no es fácil y les resumí porque son tantos días de intervalos de sufrimiento,las navidades no las disfruté,no se si buscar ayuda o solo aprender a vivir con el dolor
21 days and everything was in vain because I received a call from some of the doctors at 6am that my father had had a heart attack and died at the age of 70, I lost my 3 relatives in less than 5 months 3 people who still hurt me now Sometimes I do not know how I am still enduring here, it will be because of my children who give me strength to continue but it is not easy and I summarized them because there are so many days of intervals of suffering, I did not enjoy Christmas, I do not know whether to seek help or just learn to live with the pain
Dear Giomara,
I am very sorry for all of the losses of your most beloved and in such a short time span too! Please accept my heartfelt condolences.
Few stories have touched me the way this one did and I can't just help but imagine the pain you must have felt from loosing Marge, to loosing Flower, to even loosing your Dad again! My friend... you are a strong man indeed. Many would've broken down from these sort of significant losses but you sir, decided to rise above.!
I can't pretend to understand what it is you might've gone through or what it is you might still be going through. However, there is one thing I understand - Your why? The reason you kept pushing forward in this life. The reason you haven't given up yet: for the sake of the love you have for your children. That is the most noblest and truest of all acts. Continue to have that Why and see the blessings that will pour down in your life.
Please try to take care of yourself in these times of grief, for there are people who need you more than you could ever imagine. Things always happen for a reason. Life isn't just some random walk....
Things get worse to be better. So I think you can look forward to more blessings to come from now on. Just have faith Giomara!
Thanks for sharing this very sentimental experience of yours. And, take good care my friend.
translated to English
It is not easy friend, day by day I try to cope with all this but every moment I get a memory of my mother or father, good moments with my sister but I will keep getting up every day thinking that now I have to raise 2 children and together with me wife who has not left me alone in all this to go ahead, at some point when I feel ready I will try to tell in more detail how everything happened, and thank you very much for taking a moment of your time to read my story
Buddy it's my pleasure.
I'm sure you and the Mrs will do just fine with the kids.
Lo siento mucho
Te acompaño en tu criterio. 2021 fue el peor año para muchas vidas, entre ellas las nuestras.
Yay! 🤗
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