Phone is over

in Catarsisyesterday (edited)

Saving a friend phone in my pockets din't wnd good.

Not too much to say, can't affort to fix this and buying a new one looks like full challenge, hope it doesnt take me too long to fix her phone or i would need give mine.

Yesterday while i went to the town called Santa Barbara for a carnival event where i suppouse to be working on the place, got a bad new there about the team i going to work with, they cancelled the project because not enought time to do it.

  • They wanted a letters saying "Bienvenidos a Santa Bárbara".

As i said, went there for work so only find the cash to go. To come back was a full challenge, asking people to bring us back to the town is hard, this days happening so many bad stuffs that make people to not trust or help a extrange.

Started walking around 6/7pm to a more lonely place away from the multitude and make this to not feel like i lose the travel.

To find a truck that bring us back we waited few hours close to a police station, around 11 pm finally a friendly driver say he coming close to my town, somehow when i sit omñn back part of the truck i fall away to the floor and the phone got the worse part, my hand and back are bad but that doesnt matter, THE PHONE BROOO!! She work more with phone then anything, thats how people contact her, she do paintin on nails and makeups.

Thats evmc444 phone, i'm SO sorry this happened to her phone.

  • 😔

I'm open to do any kind of works, desing writting video edition anything like that to help me pay this faster, if anyone know other ways PLEASE LET ME KNOW.

Rompí el teléfono de una amiga y estoy muy avergonzado de que eso sucediera, fue un accidente peroneso no justifica el echo. Debo hacerme responsable de el mismo así que porfavor si desean colaborar conmigo dándome trabajo de edición de imágen o videos estaría muy contento de hacerlos, separadores personalizados o dibujos LO QUE SEA!

Thanks for watching, and please any help is welcome just tell me what to do!


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