Catharsis of a beloved person (ENG/ESP)

in Catarsisyesterday

Hello my beautiful people of HIVE, I hope and aspire that you have enjoyed this carnival to the fullest and have also been able to rest, so that you have that high energy to start the short work week that begins tomorrow, so the best attitude my people?.


Today I want to share with you all, a feeling that touches the hearts of those people who, like me, are not fans of that phrase that says turn the page, and that is that our mind will always make us remember those beautiful moments that we have spent but for different reasons no longer occur.


And in this particular case I want to talk about those people who at one time stole smiles from us, with simply their presence, or telling us about some of their experiences, you don't have or well did you have a person who just by arriving at the house you already knew that that visit would make you forget a little how bad, or difficult you were going through at the moment?.

Because I do, and it was great because they were hours of conversations that were perhaps silly and of little interest to many, but for us they were entertaining, because in the end we ended up laughing and it's because one looked for the good in the story even if it was something not so cool hehe, and it's not that with everyone you don't have that connection of laughing at practically everything hehe.

It's also that when you have friends on the phone and you start talking for hours, of course now there's WhatsApp but before it didn't have that and we had to call and that was hours there telling stories, talking, even crying on several occasions and it's that when there's a strong bond between two people the vibe and connection is inexplicable but very beautiful, because there's that trust, there's that brotherhood like a family that tells you everything and you laugh at everything.


You can be yourself without having to hide behind what people will say, if I laugh loudly, if I laugh very quietly, if I don't laugh oh no, people are sometimes dissatisfied, that's why I am very grateful for those friends who at one time gave me smiles by the million, who are no longer with me but I still wish them well wherever they are because whoever is writing to you remembers you and wishes you all the beautiful things in this life, thank you for being part of my environment at the time.


Because even though it hurts, many of us must understand that not all the people we meet in our lives will stay in it, that's how it is, many have their time and will leave, and it will hurt because many of those departures I have had have hurt a lot, because you don't have the same connection with everyone, but the important thing is to give thanks for having been able to meet them and that we have enjoyed to the fullest those beautiful moments of life and those angels who gave us a little of their light.


And finally, I hope I haven't bored you with my post and that you had a good time. I'll keep waiting for you in future posts to continue sharing. Take care of yourselves, bye.

Images taken from folders that I had saved in my cloud and edited by me with an app called GridArt...


Hola mi gente bonita de HIVE espero y aspiro este carnaval se lo hayan disfrutado al máximo y podido dentro de todo también descansar, para que tengan esas energías altas para empezar la corta semana laboral que comienza mañana, así que la mejor actitud mi gente?.


Hoy os quiero compartir con todos ustedes, un sentimiento que nos toca el corazón aquellas personas que como yo no somos fans de esa frase que dicen pasen la página, y es que siempre nuestra mente nos hará recordar esos bonitos momentos que hayamos pasado pero por distintos motivos ya no ocurren.


Y en este caso en particular quiero hablar de esas personas que en su momento nos robaron sonrisas, con simplemente su presencia, o contarnos alguna de sus vivencias, ustedes no tienen o bueno tenían a una persona que tan solo llegar a la casa ya tú sabías que esa visita te haría olvidar un poco lo mal, o difícil que estuvieras pasando en el momento?.

Porque yo si, y era genial porque eran horas de conversaciones capaz bobas de poco interés para muchos pero para nosotros eran entretenidas, porque a la final terminábamos riéndonos y es que uno le buscaba lo bueno al cuento así fuera algo no tan chévere jeje, y es que no con todos no se tiene esa conexión de reírse de prácticamente todo jeje.

Es que también cuando tenés amistades por teléfono y te pones hablar horas, claro ahora está WhatsApp pero antes no tenía eso y teníamos que llamar y eso eran horas allí echando cuentos, pláticas, hasta llanto en varias ocasiones y es que cuando hay una fuerte unión entre dos personas la vibra y conexión es inexplicable pero muy bonita, porque hay esa confianza, hay esa hermandad como de familia que te cuentan todo y te ríes de todo.


Puedes ser tú mismo sin necesidad de esconderte en un que dirán, si me río fuerte, si me río muy bajito, si no me río uy no la gente a veces es como inconforme por eso yo agradezco un mundo esas amistades que en su momento me regalaron sonrisas a millón, que bueno ya no están conmigo pero que de igual forma yo deseo que me les vaya bien donde quiera que estén porque quien les escribe los recuerda y desea todo lo bonito de esta vida, gracias por pertenecer a mi entorno en su momento.


Porque aunque duela muchos debemos entender que no todas las personas que vayamos conociendo en nuestra vida se quedarán en ella, es así muchas tienen su tiempo y se irán, y dolerá porque muchas de esas idas que he tenido han dolido y mucho, porque no se tiene la misma conexión con todos, pero lo importante es dar gracias por haberlos podido conocer y que hayamos disfrutado al máximo esos momentos bonitos de la vida y de esos ángeles que nos regalaron un poco de sus luz.


Y para ya finalizar espero no haberlos aburrido con mi post y hayan pasado un rato entretenido los seguiré esperando en próximos escritos para seguir compartiendo, cuídense mucho, bye.

Imágenes sacadas de carpetas que tenía guardadas en mi nube y editadas por mi persona con una app llamada GridArt...