Yolyce In the Cookie Jar (short story) | A Stable Diffusion Project [ENG/SPAN]

in Catarsis2 years ago

Image created by me in Night Cafe

"One dozen, two dozen, three dozen, four.

If I pretend niceness toward my stepmother, the lock will vanish, and I'll get more!

More than a half, that is."

As her daily companion, those words were a delight and torture for ten-year old Yolyce.

And it wasn't just about the confections. The next meal always on her mind, she could sense her small world crumbling like pieces of cake once you dig your fingers deep into it and come up for air. But what would the world be without cookies and cake. She smiled as she thought of the insane possibility.

The delight between her hands gave her immense pleasure. But the feeling didn't last as the rush to bring it to her mouth left her yearning for more.

The knock at the door was light and swift.

"Time for a hearty and healthy dinner," the voice matching the door tap sang out. Her stepmother was hoping for a nice and quiet family occasion that evening. so she made sure Yolyce took timely doses of her medication.

Yolyce smiled from behind the door, then plopped down on her bed. Another week in this prison, she thought. Maybe I'll make a call. I'll just tell them that I'm dying from starvation and that I want to go home. Maybe that'll finally get my mother to come rescue me.

She jumped up and ran to her dresser. Opening the drawer, she glanced at the folder bearing her name.

Squinting her oval-shaped eyes, she began at the top of the page as instructed. In the heading, PWS stood out in bold letters.

She didn't understand all the technical language. "I'm the willy-nilly girl according to my step-brothers, she shouted gleefully." Suddenly, she slammed the drawer shut.

"I'm starving. I haven't eaten in two days." Rushing downstairs to dinner, she remembered her homework assignment wasn't finished.

Sitting at the dinner table, she looked at each one as her family waiting to begin prayer.

Instead of praying, she remembered sitting in the doctor's office.

Wrapping her long strands around her finger, she couldn't wait for the visit to end. Her mom promised to take her to lunch. At the thought, she swallowed hard and wiped her mouth as the saliva gathered rapidly under her tongue.

That was also the day her mom took her to live with her dad and his family.

Oh, how she missed her mom talking softly and cooing in her ear.



In creating this stable diffusion art project, I wanted to bring attention to a severe medical condition. This condition may sound incredible, however, it is real. To many, it's a serious disease that often results in a shortened life span. It's called Prader-Willi syndrome or (PWS).

Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is a rare complex neurodevelopmental genetic disorder that affects 1 in 10,000 individuals. The disease is associated with hyperphagia and morbid obesity in humans leading to a shortened life expectancy. Hyperphagia is a condition whereby a person eats, but never feels full. Overeating occurs that leads to obesity. 1


To create the diffusion art image for the project, I utilized a stable diffusion program, Night Cafe. In my description, I utilized flowers to represent various confections.

Below are my steps:

Night Cafe Text input:
"Captive inside the glass dome. Although surrounded by beautiful flowers, I'm sad and cry out for help. Photorealistic hyperdetailed charcoal drawing neo-impressionism expressionist style oil painting, smooth post-impressionist impasto acrylic painting, thick layers of colourful textured paint."

Weight: 1
Initial Resolution: Thumb
Runtime: Short

Night Cafe Result:


I feel the image created a somber resemblance to a person diagnosed with the misunderstood condition described above.


Thanks for taking the time to view my post. I hope you learned a bit about a complicated disease.




"Una docena, dos docenas, tres docenas, cuatro.

Si finjo amabilidad hacia mi madrastra, el candado desaparecerá, ¡y conseguiré más!

Más de la mitad, claro".

Como su compañera diaria, aquellas palabras eran una delicia y una tortura para Yolyce, de diez años.

Y no se trataba sólo de los dulces. Siempre pensando en la próxima comida, Yolyce sentía que su pequeño mundo se desmoronaba como los trozos de tarta cuando se hunden los dedos en ellos y se sale a respirar. Pero, ¿qué sería del mundo sin galletas y pasteles? Sonrió al pensar en la descabellada posibilidad.

La delicia entre sus manos le produjo un inmenso placer. Pero la sensación no duró mucho, ya que la prisa por llevársela a la boca la dejó con ganas de más.

La llamada a la puerta fue ligera y rápida.

"Hora de una cena abundante y saludable", cantó la voz que coincidía con el golpe de la puerta. Su madrastra esperaba una velada familiar agradable y tranquila, por lo que se aseguró de que Yolyce tomara las dosis oportunas de su medicación.

Yolyce sonrió desde detrás de la puerta y se dejó caer en la cama. Otra semana en esta prisión, pensó. Quizá haga una llamada. Les diré que me estoy muriendo de hambre y que quiero irme a casa. Tal vez así consiga que mi madre venga a rescatarme.

Se levantó de un salto y corrió hacia su cómoda. Abrió el cajón y miró la carpeta con su nombre.

Entrecerró los ojos ovalados y empezó por la parte superior de la página. En el encabezamiento, PWS destacaba en negrita.

No entendía todo el lenguaje técnico. "Según mis hermanastros, soy la chica que hace tonterías", gritó alegremente. De repente, cerró el cajón de golpe.

"Me muero de hambre. Llevo dos días sin comer". Bajó corriendo a cenar y recordó que no había terminado los deberes.

Sentada a la mesa, miró a cada uno de los miembros de su familia que esperaban para empezar a rezar.

En lugar de rezar, recordó que estaba sentada en la consulta del médico.

Enrollando sus largos mechones alrededor de su dedo, no podía esperar a que terminara la visita. Su madre le había prometido llevarla a comer. Al pensarlo, tragó saliva con fuerza y se limpió la boca mientras la saliva se acumulaba rápidamente bajo su lengua.

Ese fue también el día en que su madre la llevó a vivir con su padre y su familia.

Cómo echaba de menos a su madre hablándole suavemente y arrullándole al oído.



Al crear este proyecto artístico de difusión estable, quería llamar la atención sobre una grave afección médica. This condition may sound incredible, however, it is real. To many, it's a serious disease that often results in a shortened life span. Se llama síndrome de Prader-Willi o (SPW).

El síndrome de Prader-Willi (SPW) es un raro trastorno genético complejo del neurodesarrollo que afecta a 1 de cada 10.000 individuos. The disease is associated with hyperphagia and morbid obesity in humans leading to a shortened life expectancy. Hyperphagia is a condition whereby a person eats, but never feels full. Overeating occurs that leads to obesity.


Para crear la imagen de arte de difusión del proyecto, utilicé un programa de difusión estable, Night Cafe. En mi descripción, utilicé flores para representar diversos dulces.

Abajo están mis pasos:

Café Nocturno Entrada de texto:
"Cautivo dentro de la cúpula de cristal. Aunque rodeado de hermosas flores, estoy triste y grito pidiendo ayuda. Dibujo fotorrealista hiperdetallado al carboncillo pintura al óleo de estilo neoimpresionista expresionista, pintura acrílica de impasto postimpresionista suave, gruesas capas de pintura de textura colorida. ".

Peso: 1
Resolución inicial: Pulgar
Tiempo de ejecución: Corto

Night Cafe Resultado:


Creo que la imagen creaba un sombrío parecido con una persona diagnosticada de la enfermedad incomprendida descrita anteriormente.


Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de ver mi post. Espero que hayas aprendido algo sobre una enfermedad complicada.

Traducción realizada con la versión gratuita del traductor www.DeepL.com/Translator



Happy rest of the week everyone with whatever your endeavors.







a) JustClickindiva's Footer created in Canva utilizing its free background and images used with permission from discord admins.
b) Unless otherwise noted, all photos taken by me with my (i) Samsung Galaxy 10" Tablet, (ii) Samsung Phone, & (iii) FUJI FinePix S3380 - 14 Mega Pixels Digital Camera
c) Purple Butterfly part of purchased set of Spiritual Clip Art for my Personal Use
d) All Community logos, banners, page dividers used with permission of Discord Channel admins.
e) Ladies of Hive banner used with permission of and in accordance with the admin's guidelines
f) Thumbnail Image created by me in Canva.
g) "Flames." What is Apophysis 2.09. https://flam3.com/

1 Merlin G. Butler, MD, PhD, Ann M. Manzardo, PhD, Janalee Heinemann, MSW, Carolyn Loker, and James Loker, MD. "Causes of Death in Prader-Willi Syndrome". National Institute of Health. National Library of Medicine. Published online 2016 Nov 17. Online at: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5435554/

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I'm loving this story it's really emotional..!i love the way you explain the story. There are many ways to tell a story but the way you tell it is amazing.You tell the whole story in your own words

Hello @lee1938. I try to tell stories from the point of the issue happening to me, a friend, or family member. It becomes personal and I look at it in a different realm. Your heartfelt compliment for my short story is so lovely, and I'm pleased you liked it. It warms my heart. I truly appreciate you taking the time to stop by and read it to understanding.

Hope you have a happy New Year.

Take care.


I'm just wait whole day to write your post the way you talk and explain is really humble.

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thanks for love

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Thanks so much for your visit and leaving such a cute feline fuzzie for my story.