Everything that could happen

in Catarsis3 years ago

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Todo lo que podía pasar.



Así iniciamos, con este recorrido que en lo particular me lleno de calma, me hizo orientar la energía y poder canalizar lo que estaba sintiendo. Para que entiendan un poco a lo que me refiero les hecho mi cuento.

Hoy tenía compromisos en una ciudad distinta a dónde vivo, así que tuve que levantarme temprano para iniciar mi jornada y poder cumplir con todo.

Al levantarme tenía una tarea que daba por olvidada pero no me podía escapar debía configurar el teléfono de mi abuela para que los que están fuera del país la pudieran llamar. Pensé es solo un momento termino y puedo continuar.

Ese momento se convirtió en 30 minutos ya que no encontraba el chip, y la configuración no cargaba.

En lo que termine recogí todo de prisa y me di un baño rápido, también a mí pequeño. El tiempo corría y entre mi reunión y yo existía una distancia de más o menos 120 kilómetros y una hora de recorrido, el cual todavía no iniciaba.

Luego de bañarme me puse a desayunar, menos mal logré prepararlo mientras el teléfono se configuraba. Desayunamos y me fui corriendo a la estación de servicio, ya que como viajaba debía tener tanque lleno porque no sabía lo que del otro lado me esperaba.


Vi rápidamente la cola y antes de mi 10 carros esperaban los conté porque el tiempo apremiaba. Todo iba según el plan y casi nada fallaba, 10 carros, cuatro canales no iba ser mucho lo que me esperaba. Pero en mi plan algo repentinamente me arropaba.

Los isleros decidieron atender 4 vehículos de la cola donde yo me encontraba y cuatro carros de servicios que entraban a medida que llegaban, lo que iba ser rápido termino siendo dos horas que me descontaba.

En lo que mi turno llegaba, me tocaba jugar con el pequeño que me acompañaba rogando que el tiempo y la calor. No lo alteraran.


Logré surtir y de inmediato salí a la carretera , una reunión me esperaba, debía hacer las cosas de prisa pero con cautela. Luego de una hora en carretera ya estaba en la ciudad , pero cuál es mi sorpresa no podía pasar. Una cola de vehículos de atravesaba y yo poco a poco avanzaba. Ellos de quejaban por el mal servicio y la gasolina que se encuentra escasa.

Entre la multitud me abría paso, con paciencia pero algo preocupada, ya poco a poco todos llegaban y yo seguía retrasada.


Al fin ya en el sitio me encontraba, poco a poco me estacionaba y los vidrios del carro cerraba. Allí nuevamente la historias cambiaba uno de los vidrios no cerraba.

Respiro con calma, y poco a poco trato de mantener la calma, algo extraño pasaba que debía considerar y solucionar más nada.


Como un llamado de auxilio informo del evento a los que en la reunión me esperaban cuál fue mi sorpresa para ninguno fue una señal de alarma. Las horas poco a poco pasaban y yo seguía allí estancada y por supuesto mi pequeño tambien de cansaba. Galletas, agua, chupetas y gomitas me ayudaron a tenerlo allí en una serena calma.

Llamadas iban y venían de una persona inquieta que preguntaba u orientaba en cosas que yo ya ejecutaba eso iba afectando un poco mi calma. En realidad la ayuda no llegaba. Un rin del teléfono me esperanzaba, era uno de lo compañeros que en la sala me esperaba.

Su llamado más que una solución a mi grito de auxilio, fue una llamada de para recalcar que todo seguía sin que mi ausencia hiciera ruido.

Seguían pasando las horas y yo tratando de resolver, lo único que se me ocurrió fue mover el carro a un sitio donde me pusieran resolver. Un sr llegó al sitio, entre maromas, alicates y tornillos, tampoco encontró lo que afectaba el vidrio. Pero si me brindo algo de cobijo, me hizo el enlace con el custodio del sitio quien con amabilidad me dijo que podía dejar el carro allí para poder ingresar al edificio.

Por fin llegaba a la reunión pero algo nuevo pasaba. Ya todos en el sitio recogían sus cosas y de retiraban. Sentí , tristeza, impotencia y mucha rabia, porque no entendía como la gente la empatía olvidaba. Todos los que estaban allí sabían que afuera me encontraba pero sus intereses personales la mirada y la sensatez les nublaba.

Al regresar a mi carro solo pensaba, como puede ser que todo acababa y yo estaba tan afectada. Me senté, respire y solo hice una llamada, avisando que ya me regresaba.

En la via desde mis entrañas pensaba, como todo lo sucedido me enojaba, la viveza de los bomberos que en la cola me atrasaba, la necesidad de los camioneros que el tránsito limitaba, la falla en el carro que mi cabeza afectaba, la indiferencia de mis compañeros que mi estado ni les preocupaba.


Estaba tan afectaba que quería renunciar a todo y pegar algunos gritos más que nada.
Pero luego ví mi retrovisor y todo mi perspectiva cambiaba.

Allí estaba él mi pequeño saltarin un poco inquieto y desorientado, pero al mirarlo solo sonrisas se les escapan. Me hizo pensar ya serena y entender que el es vida y fortaleza.

Todavía tengo fé en la gente, que se acabe la viveza. Todavía tengo fé en la gente que tomemos conciencia. Todavía tengo fé en la gente que la Empatía puede llegar a ser nuestra mayor fuerza.

En definitiva mi día no fue nada de lo que esperaba pero tal vez fue una dosis de lo que necesitaba.


This is how we started, with this tour that in particular filled me with calm, made me orient my energy and be able to channel what I was feeling. In order for you to understand a little of what I am talking about, I will tell you my story.

Today I had commitments in a different city from where I live, so I had to get up early to start my day and be able to accomplish everything.

When I got up I had a task that I thought I had forgotten but I couldn't escape it, I had to set up my grandmother's phone so that those who are out of the country could call her. I thought to myself, I'll be done in a moment and I can continue.

That moment turned into 30 minutes as I could not find the chip, and the configuration would not load.

As soon as I finished I hurriedly picked up everything and gave myself and my little one a quick bath. The time was running and between me and my meeting there was a distance of about 120 kilometers and an hour of travel, which still did not start.

After bathing I started to eat breakfast, thank goodness I managed to prepare it while the phone was being set up. We had breakfast and I went running to the gas station, because as I was traveling I had to have a full tank of gas because I did not know what was waiting for me on the other side.

I quickly saw the queue and before me 10 cars were waiting I counted them because time was pressing. Everything was going according to plan and almost nothing was going wrong, 10 cars, four channels was not going to be much what was waiting for me. But in my plan something suddenly tucked me in.


The islanders decided to attend 4 vehicles of the queue where I was and four service cars that came in as they arrived, what was going to be fast ended up being two hours that I discounted.

While my turn arrived, I had to play with the little boy who accompanied me, praying that the weather and the heat would not alter him. I prayed that the weather and the heat would not alter him.


I managed to stock up and immediately went out to the road, a meeting was waiting for me, I had to do things in a hurry but with caution. After an hour on the road I was already in the city, but to my surprise I could not pass. A queue of vehicles was passing by and I was moving forward little by little. They were complaining about the bad service and the scarce gasoline.

I made my way through the crowd, patiently but with some concern, and little by little everyone was arriving and I was still late.

Finally I was at the place, little by little I parked and closed the windows of the car. There again the stories changed, one of the windows did not close.

I breathed calmly, and little by little I tried to keep calm, something strange was happening that I had to consider and solve anything else.


As a call for help I report the event to those who were waiting for me at the meeting, what was my surprise for none of them it was an alarm signal. The hours slowly passed and I was still stuck there and of course my little one was getting tired too. Cookies, water, lollipops and gummies helped me to keep him there in a serene calm.

Calls came and went from a restless person asking questions or giving guidance on things I was already doing that was affecting my calmness a bit. Help was not really coming. A ring on the phone gave me hope, it was one of my colleagues who was waiting for me in the room.

His call, more than a solution to my cry for help, was a call to emphasize that everything was going on without my absence making any noise.

The hours continued to pass and I was trying to solve the problem, the only thing I could think of was to move the car to a place where I could find a solution. A Mr. came to the site, between maromas, pliers and screws, also did not find what affected the glass. But he did give me some shelter, he made the link with the custodian of the site who kindly told me that I could leave the car there to enter the building.

I finally arrived at the meeting but something new was happening. Everyone on the site was gathering their things and leaving. I felt sadness, impotence and a lot of anger, because I did not understand how people forgot empathy. All those who were there knew that I was outside but their personal interests clouded their eyes and sanity.

When I returned to my car I just thought, how could it be that everything was over and I was so affected. I sat down, took a breath and just made a phone call, letting them know that I was on my way back.

On the road I thought from my gut, how everything that had happened made me angry, the liveliness of the firemen that delayed me in the queue, the need of the truck drivers that the traffic limited, the failure in the car that affected my head, the indifference of my companions that my state did not even worry them.


I was so affected that I wanted to give up everything and scream more than anything else.
But then I saw my rear-view mirror and my whole perspective changed.

There he was, my little jumping boy, a little restless and disoriented, but when I looked at him, only smiles escaped him. It made me think serenely and understand that he is life and strength.

I still have faith in people, let the liveliness end. I still have faith in people that we will become aware. I still have faith in people that Empathy can become our greatest strength.

All in all my day was nothing like I expected but maybe it was a dose of what I needed.

Catarsis, Spanish , working, woman, life

Fotos principal editada con Capcut.
Fotos de mi Autoría derechos reservados
Cámara: Redmi9
Canción del vídeo. Disponible en galería de Capcut
Traducido con www.DeepL.com/Translator (versión gratuita)

Main photos edited with Capcut.
Photos of my Author rights reserved
Camera: Redmi9
Video song. Available in Capcut gallery
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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Gracias por estar aqui, por leer, comentar y valorar!!! 😘

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