Hello friends of Hive, I want to tell you a story, it happened to me yesterday and I am still really moved, I live in Venezuela and you know that the economy here is terrible, crime is increasing, there is a large group of the population in very bad conditions, life here has become a day to day survival. I think we are used to it and if not, they leave the country to go to other places that give them more security.
English Version (click here)
Anyway, you must already know all this, but what I am really getting at is that I personally think that values and principles have diminished a lot in the vast majority of people, but I base this on my social experiences. And I am referring not only to good manners, such as: good morning or good afternoon when getting on a bus, saying thank you when getting off, I am referring more than anything else, doing the right thing, helping an old lady to cross the street, picking up what has fallen from a person by carelessness and handing it to him/her.
Not to mention the drivers, there is too much recklessness and little values in many drivers today, young people, I have seen many young people with little education that only makes me sad. And I know that not all of them are like that, there are still educated and conscious people, but for me they are very few. I am raising a girl and obviously it is my responsibility to educate and guide her to become a good human being for this society and she will see things where she will have to make the decision to do what is right or follow the derailed herd, which sometimes is a little scary, but we can not control anything, I can only give my best to teach her well, once she takes her path her decisions are hers alone and nobody else's.
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English Version (click here)
Well, yesterday Luna (my daughter) and I took a bus to go to karate, everything was going well, the bus was a bit empty, we sat near the door to get off quickly, the collector was near the door obviously, he was making faces to Luna to make her laugh, I put my phone in my pants pocket, we arrived at our stop and we got off, something happened, My phone maybe came out of my pocket or I did not keep it well, I left it in the bus, unfortunately I realized it too late and the world turned around in an instant, such a horrible feeling and it is not so much losing something material, I thought about my work, about the clients that I have been doing with much effort and dedication, I already had some orders in progress, because I sell merchandise.
And well we are in a constant struggle to subsist and I already had a path formed and losing my phone would be to lose all that and start all over again, which incidentally would be difficult to recover in time because obviously I do not have to buy another phone, then it would be a slow recovery, very slow, all that went through my head, that I lost everything, I had an immense desire to cry, I felt the most foolish of people to lose a phone that way, were too many emotions together, I had to suppress them because I am not and I don't like to make dramas in the street haha, so I let Luna go to her karate class and I sat down for a moment to calm down and look for solutions, the first thing would be to breathe, stop saying offensive things to myself haha and second to communicate with someone, I didn't remember anyone's number haha, I half remembered my mom's number, I asked the other representatives to give me a call, I dialed and nothing, that is to say I had the wrong number.
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English Version (click here)
I don't know why, but I didn't want to or I couldn't call my own phone, I was afraid in the bottom of my heart that when I called it would be off and I knew what that would mean, so I walked a little to calm down again and I asked the security guard for the phone, this time I could dial correctly to my mom's number, I didn't alarm her with what had happened, I just told her to call my partner @edwardstobia, to come and pick me up at karate and so I went to pick Luna up in the middle of class and walked towards the exit to meet him, little by little as I walked away from the people my system was succumbing, I was feeling very bad, I told Luna that the phone had been left on the bus and that's why mommy was not very well. I thought that when I got on the bus Edwards was going to scold me for being so careless or something like that, because I myself felt stupid, as soon as I got on the bus, I couldn't resist the urge to burst out and cry haha, today I laugh, but at that moment I was really in crisis, for my peace of mind, my love was very understanding, loving and very supportive.
He gave me the great news that he had called my phone and the collector answered, willing to return the phone, without asking for anything in return, so we headed straight to a stop where they were located waiting for the bus to fill up. I was quite surprised, the gentleman kept the phone and wanted to return it, I still couldn't believe it until I had my phone in my hand. My phone is a mid-range phone, it is almost new, I mean, that person could have easily turned it off, taken the lines out and tried to sell it for a few dollars and solve a meal for his house at least, but no, he decided to do the right thing and return it, maybe it shouldn't be a surprise because that's how we should act, This should be the normal thing, to be honest, to have good values, but it is surprising, because unfortunately a majority, with that so called "viveza criolla" would have already thought of selling the phone and that's it, deep down I would have understood that, with all this decadent situation of the economy, but this was not the case.
We arrived at the place and there was the man with my phone, greeting Luna and I could not help but get off and hug the man haha, and I'm not hugging anyone, I do not like contact with friends much less with strangers haha, but that man deserved that and the whole world, what a beautiful person with beautiful values, regain faith in humanity, among so much evil if there are good people and that made me feel grateful, I'm glad that Luna has also witnessed it and take a good memory of how we should act in such circumstances. Thank you, Mr. bus collector, for more people like him, please, humanity needs him and thank you @Edwardstobia for being a support in those moments.
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Wow, tuviste demasiada suerte. Lamentablemente son personas casi las personas que harían lo mismo. Muchas bendiciones
Son muy pocas y por suerte me tocó una de ellas y lo agradezco muchísimo. Gracias por comentar amiga, bendiciones para ti también 😊
Que gran noticia que pudiste recuperar tu teléfono, aún quedan almas bondadosas, Dios le bendiga al señor
Cosas como estas te hacen darte cuenta de que si existen gente hermosa, espero toparme con más personas así, pero creo que cada vez que hacemos algo bueno ayudamos a los demás a seguir el paso. Gracias por leerme @cynthiacvb.