¡Hola, Conunidad de Hive!
¡Hello, Hive Community!
Muchos concuerdan que el apego emocional no es algo que este bien y otros dirán totalmente lo opuesto, todo dependerá desde que perspectiva se vea, pero en particular nunca había analizado mi apego emocional a las cosas o personas, pensaba que era muy desligada a todo, pero últimamente, llevo meses analizandome y tuve que tomar medidas respecto a esto. Ustedes se preguntarán porqué hablo del tema como si fuese algo grave y aunque no se vea tanto superficialmente , es un tema delicado del cual hablar, apegarnos a algo, sea persona, recuerdo, animal u objeto es ir creando un proceso de dependencia hacia ello sin darnos cuenta, es atarnos de forma permanente a eso y cuando toque el momento de distanciarnos, olvidar o tomar distancia, es cuando sentaremos cabeza del enlace tan fuerte de apego que hemos creado...
Good morning, afternoon, evening, night or early morning, depending on what time you read this, for some time I wanted to make this post, one where I will speak from the heart in a reflective way, with venting of feelings and emotions quite deep and it is about a topic that has happened to most people and in many cases had to fight against it, and yes, if you are wondering what I'm talking about, it is about emotional attachment to memories, people or objects ...
Many agree that emotional attachment is not something that is right and others will say totally the opposite, everything will depend from which perspective you look at it, but in particular I had never analyzed my emotional attachment to things or people, I thought I was very detached to everything, but lately, I have been analyzing myself for months and I had to take measures regarding this. You may wonder why I talk about this subject as if it were something serious and although it is not seen so superficially, it is a delicate subject to talk about, getting attached to something, be it a person, memory, animal or object is creating a process of dependency towards it without realizing it, it is tying us permanently to it and when the time comes to distance ourselves, forget or take distance, is when we will settle down from the strong link of attachment that we have created...
Although it is hard for me to admit it now, in the last years I had become a person extremely attached to things that ended up becoming toxic or that hurt me a lot, which was exhausting me in an inexplicable way, until I reached a point where I exploded, I exploded from exhaustion, from pretending I was fine, from pretending it was what I needed, from enduring, I got tired of preferring others over me, I finally got tired of anxiety and of talking, I just wanted to feel, I wanted to do what I dreamed of, I wanted to do new things and I decided to put an end to relationships, friendships, ties, memories and for a while even to the connection with the outside, I spent months working on myself, I got a job as a waitress, I met new people, I have learned a lot in terms of personal growth, work, professional, with the experience I have changed course and taken new goals.
Es importante resaltar que no fué fácil ni ha dejado de ponerse complicado algunos días, yo tuve días que llorar era lo único que sabía hacer, días sin apetito, con muchisíma ansiedad, miedos, pesadillas, días donde enviaba notas de voz a mi mejor amiga y mi voz no salía de lo trancada que estaba, mi pecho se apretaba, sufría de insomnio, fueron tiempos difíciles, los cuales ahora veo como un aprendizaje inmeso, esos días sufría por todo lo que pasaba y pensaba que no podría, hoy en día recuerdo esos días y nace una sonrisa, de como reconstruí ese dolor, de como aprendí de ello en vez de estancarme, entendí que apegarme emocionalmente de las personas, recuerdos u objetos está muy mal, amar está excelente, apreciar y valorar a las personas y los momentos es el pilar de la felicidad, pero apegarte a ello es un error que desgarrará una parte de ti que no conocerás hasta ese momento...
Aprendí a ser feliz con lo que tengo sin apegarme a ello, cuidándolo, valorándolo, dando lo mejor de mí, pero estando feliz de que si un día ello se va, estaré igual de bien y seguiré aquel camino que ya había decidido andar...y como dijo una persona que me lastimó mucho, pero de la cual aprendí y hasta ahora veo las vedad en sus palabras "La felicidad no te la dará nadie más que tú misma" y sí, es totalmente cierto, ahora que vivo de mí, de lo que siento, disfruto de mi familia y mis amigos , aprender a desligarme del apego emocional fué el mayor paso hacia el amor propio y la construcción de mi felicidad...
It is important to emphasize that it was not easy and it has not stopped getting complicated some days, I had days when crying was the only thing I knew how to do, days without appetite, with a lot of anxiety, fears, nightmares, days where I sent voice notes to my best friend and my voice did not come out of how stuck I was, my chest tightened, I suffered from insomnia, they were difficult times, which I now see as an immense learning, Those days I suffered for everything that happened and I thought I could not, today I remember those days and a smile is born, how I rebuilt that pain, how I learned from it instead of stagnating, I understood that getting emotionally attached to people, memories or objects is very wrong, to love is excellent, to appreciate and value people and moments is the pillar of happiness, but to get attached to it is a mistake that will tear a part of you that you will not know until that moment. ..
I learned to be happy with what I have without being attached to it, taking care of it, valuing it, giving the best of me, but being happy that if one day it goes away, I will be just as well and I will follow that path I had already decided to walk.... and as a person who hurt me a lot said, but from whom I learned and until now I see the truth in her words "Happiness will not be given to you by anyone else but yourself" and yes, it is totally true, now that I live from me, from what I feel, I enjoy my family and my friends, learning to detach myself from emotional attachment was the biggest step towards self-love and the construction of my happiness...
Gracias por leerme hiversss, todo esta escrito como una opinión totalmente personal y abierta a discrepancias o opiniones contrarias, ya que todos sentimos y pensamos diferentes y ello está bien, espero disfrutarán de este post tanto como yo al redactarlo, me encantaría leer sus experiencias y opiniones respecto a este tema. Saludos gigantes a todos y nos estaremos leyendo muy pronto ccon más.
Thank you for reading me hiversss, everything written here is a totally personal opinion and open to discrepancies or contrary opinions, since we all feel and think differently and that's ok, I hope you enjoy this post as much as I did writing it, I would love to read your experiences and opinions regarding this topic. Giant greetings to all and we will be reading each other very soon with more.