Felicidad y éxito: ¿van de la mano? 🤔 // Happiness and success: do they go hand in hand?

in Catarsis3 years ago

Imagen de Adina Voicu en Pixabay

Written in Spanish and translated to English with
DeepL Translator (free version)
(English Version below)


Desde hace varios días he querido escribir sobre este tema. En realidad hay varios temas sobre los cuales deseo escribir. Ya tengo bastantes meses en Hive, pero aun no me siento como 🐟 en el agua, más bien siento que avanzo, aunque poco a poco. Me dejo deslumbrar por los concursos tan interesantes que se cruzan en mi camino y me ocupo en ellos, pero la verdad es que siento que tengo cosas importantes sobre las cuales escribir.


Aun no logro organizarme correctamente, incluso a veces con tantas cosas que decir, me siento con la mente en blanco y no se que escribir. Son muchos los temas en los cuales he pensado, pero no para ese momento, entonces ¿sobre qué escribo? No se si a ustedes les ha pasado, pero esa es una verdad para mi. En mis posts normalmente comento que soy una persona muy parlanchina, pero durante esta pandemia no he conseguido drenar todo ese caudal de información que está ansioso por salir. Aunque lo he hecho de forma muy dosificada y con estrechez, pero no por decisión propia, sino adaptándome a mis circunstancias actuales.

Entrando en materia 🔎


Pero ahora bien, ya dejándome un poco de bla, bla, bla, que me ha servido de catarsis 😜, quiero hablar sobre este tema que me ha parecido muy importante: la Felicidad y el éxito. Nunca había relacionado estas dos palabras, no porque no creyera que tuvieran algo que ver sino que nunca había reflexionado en ello. Pero, ¿por qué ahora? Bueno amigos, desde el principio de este año, en la comunidad de @ecoTrain, donde creo que es @ecoAlex quien la lidera o lleva la delantera, se está realizando un contest semanal donde el tema principal es la espiritualidad.

Imagen de Адель Шарипова en Pixabay

Este tema fue elegido por votación mayoritaria de entre unas cuantas opciones para elegir. Les confieso que me sorprendió mucho que el tema de la espiritualidad resultara ganador. Sin embargo los QOTW han resultado ser super interesantes. Las preguntas de cada semana son muy inteligentemente planteadas y los comentarios e invitación realmente me han sorprendido. Ciertamente como dice el dicho “en la viña del Señor hay de todo”, y este espacio da cabida para personas con cualquier creencia o punto de vista, es algo que queda claro en cada planeamiento.

Sin embargo se invita a cada una de ellas a dar sus comentarios sin importar cuales sean, los cuales se respetan. Pues bien, el QOTW de la semana del 3 de marzo era ¿CÓMO SE VE EL ÉXITO DESDE UNA PERSPECTIVA ESPIRITUAL?. Yo no tuve oportunidad de participar sin embargo si leí algunas de las opiniones de quienes sí participaron y el resumen final del concurso, y me di cuenta que muchas personas están muy claras en cuanto al éxito y también esa semana por casualidad escuche una entrevista donde el que hablaba, que no recuerdo quien era, decía lo que era la felicidad para él.

Tener éxito 😎


En el momento que estaba leyendo este resumen del resultado de ese mismo QOTW, pensé en lo claro y sencillo que resultaban ser tanto la felicidad como el éxito.

La definición de éxito puede ser diferente para diferentes personas. En este mundo materialista muchas veces se piensa que el éxito es sinónimo de tener dinero. Otros pueden pensar que tener éxito es alcanzar una meta en particular, y ciertamente cuando logramos eso podemos decir que tuvimos éxito. Sin embargo, ¿ese éxito en particular nos convierte de por sí en una persona exitosa?.

Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

Por otro lado estan aquellos que piensan que tener éxito es tener todo lo que se ha querido. Pero ¿es eso posible? Cuando logramos tener algo que hemos querido, generalmente deseamos algo más, nuestras circunstancias y necesidades cambian constantemente y el mundo también, por lo tanto siempre habrá algo más en pos de lo cual ir.

También es cierto que el éxito puede resultar ser algo distinto, dependiendo del cristal desde donde se mire. En este contest en particular habló del éxito desde el punto de vista espiritual, pero creo que ese enfoque nos ayuda a ver la verdad de este concepto.

Ser feliz 😊


He leído en muchas partes una frase que dice algo así como que la “felicidad no es un destino, sino es el camino”, palabras más o palabras menos. Lo que quiere decir que la felicidad no es algo que se logra en un momento dado o específico o a través de la consecución de un logro, sino que más bien es esa serie de cosas que pasan en el trayecto. Es decir toda esa vivencia que logramos a lo largo de la vida, mientras estamos procurando alcanzar algo.

Imagen de jvalley678 en Pixabay

Yo soy madre de un hijo único, nunca tuve como meta indispensable serlo, como sí sucede con muchas personas, quienes se sienten infelices por no tener un hijo y en su momento piensan que serán felices cuando logren tener un hijo. Ciertamente tener un hijo las hará feliz en su momento, pero luego de tener un hijo hay otros deseos que deseará ver cumplidos, por lo tanto esa meta cumplida no la hace una persona feliz en el tiempo. Algunas incluso se sienten abatidas o frustradas por lo que implica ser madre en sí misma, o por las circunstancias en las que le toca ejercer su maternidad y llegan a sentirse infelices. En mi caso, aunque tener un hijo no era una meta personal, me hizo muy feliz tenerlo y todo el proceso ocurrido durante esos nueve meses me dio momentos de felicidad y otros no tanto.

Otras personas piensan que la felicidad es un estado de alegría o contentamiento como cuando estamos con nuestras personas queridas o amigos, riendo y disfrutando. Ciertamente esos son momentos felices, y somos felices de manera circunstancial, pero eso no nos hace personas felices, porque luego de eso, volvemos a las circunstancias cotidianas, a la realidad personal que puede ser buena o no, pero en las cuales no nos sentimos felices. Sino que esperamos y añoramos esos momentos específicos que nos hacen sentir esa euforia para decir que somos o estamos felices.

Es parecido a esas personas que sufren de una adicción por ejemplo al alchol, tabaco, drogras ilícitas, sexo o cual otra, que la necesitan para sentir ese cambio en su estado de ánimo.

Relación entre ser feliz y tener éxito ♻️


Creo que hay una relación directamente proporcional de la felicidad con tener éxito. Por ejemplo, en el contest que ya les mencione @sanjeevm en el post que presentó como entrada dijo que el éxito es:

“Cuando no tienes nada pero sientes que lo tienes todo”.

Otra verdad importante la leí de manos de @truelovemom, quien dijo: ​

“En mi opinión muy personal, el éxito tiene un primer componente: la FELICIDAD… Y ese es el ingrediente más difícil del éxito, porque nos puede llevar toda una vida entender que, para ser felices, solo necesitamos querer ser felices.”

Además en la entrevista que les comenté que escuche, una persona dijo que ser feliz es estar satisfechos y esto hizo que todo se ordenara en mi mente y lo viera con mayor claridad. Tiene mucha relación con lo que comentaron estos dos Hivers en sus posts.

Ser exitoso desde el punto de vista espiritual es estar satisfecho así sea que tenga mucho o que tenga poco, es decir que no siente que le falta nada lo cual tenga que perseguir y obtener. Por eso, si está satisfecho con lo que tiene, entonces es feliz. Muchos pueden discrepar de esta opinión. Además, este punto de vista no es conformista, porque no quiere decir que la persona no pueda ir en pos de algo, pero ese algo no es lo que lo hará sentir feliz y satisfecho, él ya lo está, eso simplemente es un logro que le traerá otros beneficios, por supuesto.

Imagen de Gabriele M. Reinhardt en Pixabay

Entonces, si la felicidad es estar satisfechos y estar satisfechos es tener éxito, entonces el éxito es directamente proporcional a la felicidad. Pero creo que la inversa es un poco diferente, al menos desde el punto de vista seglar. Por ejemplo hay muchísimas personas que son consideradas exitosas, que han formado imperios, amasado sumas de fortuna o fama, y aunque en su vida seguro que disfrutan momentos felices, muchas de ellas pierden muchas cosas, o no obtienen las verdaderamente importante y por eso se sienten infelices a pesar de esos logros.

Entonces la realidad es que la felicidad no depende de nada externo, sino que viene del corazón y en esto cultivar la espiritualidad tiene una tajada muy grande. Me ha gustado mucho un principio que he releído durante mucho tiempo y es:

“He aprendido a estar contento sean cuales sean mis circunstancias. Sé vivir con poco y sé vivir con mucho. En todo y en cualquier circunstancia he aprendido el secreto de estar satisfecho y de pasar hambre, de tener mucho y de no tener nada” ¹

"Porque no trajimos nada al mundo y tampoco podemos llevarnos nada. Así pues, si tenemos comida y ropa, estaremos contentos con eso" ²

En su post @truelovemom también comentó que ser feliz es una decisión y eso es bastante cierto. No es algo automático que alguien diga voy a ser feliz y lo es. Sino que se resuelve a estar satisfecho con su vida, a trabajar por las cosas que quiere pero no dejar que las circunstancias afecten su actitud o estado de ánimo y la espiritualidad es vital para poder lograrlo.

Imagen de Sasin Tipchai en Pixabay

Todo esto me hizo pensar en lo que sucede cuando uno va a un restaurante y pasa tiempo decidiendose por algún plato del menú, toma su decisión y ordena su plato. Pero mientras espera, ve los platos que le sirven a otros a su alrededor, los ve grandes y apetitosos y cuando traen el suyo, le parece que los otros son mejores.

Cuando vemos lo que otros tienen, lo que han logrado y nos comparamos con ellos eso nos puede hacer sentir infelices o hacer creer que no hemos tenido éxito. Las redes sociales nos hacen pensar que todas esas personas son felices, tienen muchos amigos y cosas materiales, son hermosos físicamente, cuando muchas veces no es cierto y aunque así lo fuera, sí tendemos a medir nuestra vida o nuestro éxito en comparación con otros eso evitará que podamos sentirnos satisfechos y por lo tanto felices.

"Pero que cada uno examine sus propias acciones, y entonces tendrá razones para alegrarse por lo que él mismo ha hecho, sin compararse con otra persona" ³

Gracias por llegar hasta aquí, pero me gustaría saber lo que piensan ustedes 😉




Imagen de Adina Voicu en Pixabay


I have been wanting to write about this topic for several days now. Actually there are several topics about which I want to write. I've been on Hive for quite a few months now, but I still don't feel like 🐟 in the water, rather I feel like I'm advancing, albeit little by little. I let myself be dazzled by the very interesting contests that cross my path and I get busy in them, but the truth is that I feel that I have important things to write about.


I still can't manage to organize myself properly, even sometimes with so many things to say, I feel that my mind is blank and I don't know what to write about. There are many topics I have thought about, but not for that moment, so what do I write about? I don't know if it has happened to you, but that is a truth for me. In my posts I usually comment that I am a very talkative person, but during this pandemic I have not managed to drain all that flood of information that is eager to get out. Although I have done it in a very dosed and narrow way, but not by choice, but adapting to my current circumstances.

Getting down to business 🔎


But now, leaving me a bit of blah, blah, blah, which has served me as a catharsis 😜, I want to talk about this topic that I found very important: happiness and success. I had never related these two words, not because I didn't think they had something to do but because I had never reflected on it. But why now? Well friends, since the beginning of this year, in the @ecoTrain community, where I believe it is @ecoAlex who leads or takes the lead, a weekly contest is being held where the main theme is spirituality.

Imagen de Адель Шарипова en Pixabay

This theme was chosen by majority vote from a few options to choose from. I confess that I was very surprised that the theme of spirituality was the winner. However, the QOTWs have turned out to be super interesting. The questions each week are very cleverly posed and the comments and invitation have really surprised me. Certainly as the saying goes "in the Lord's vineyard there is a bit of everything ", and this space gives room for people with any belief or point of view, it is something that is clear in each planning.

However, each one of them is invited to give their comments no matter what they are, which are respected. Well, the QOTW for the week of March 3 was WHAT DOES SUCCESS LOOK LIKE FROM A SPIRITUAL PERSPECTIVE?. I didn't have the opportunity to participate, however I did read some of the opinions of those who did participate and the final summary of the contest, and I realized that many people are very clear about success and also that week I happened to listen to an interview where the speaker, I don't remember who he was, said what happiness was for him.

To be successful 😎


At the moment I was reading this summary of the result of that same QOTW, I thought about how clear and simple both happiness and success were.

The definition of success may be different for different people. In this materialistic world, success is often thought of as being synonymous with having money. Others may think of success as achieving a particular goal, and certainly when we achieve that we can say we were successful. However, does that particular success in itself make us a successful person?

Imagen de Gerd Altmann en Pixabay

On the other hand, there are those who think that to be successful is to have everything you have ever wanted. But is that possible? When we succeed in having something we have wanted, we usually want something more, our circumstances and needs are constantly changing and so is the world, so there will always be something more to go after.

It is also true that success can turn out to be something different, depending on the lens from which you look at it. In this particular contest he talked about success from a spiritual point of view, but I think that approach helps us to see the truth of this concept.

Being happy 😊


I have read in many places a phrase that says something like "happiness is not a destination, but it is the path ", more or less words. This means that happiness is not something that is achieved in a given or specific moment or through the attainment of an achievement, but rather it is that series of things that happen along the way. That is to say, all that experience that we achieve throughout life, while we are trying to achieve something.

I am the mother of an only child, I never had as an indispensable goal to be one, as it happens with many people, who feel unhappy for not having a child and at the time they think they will be happy when they manage to have a child. Certainly having a child will make them happy at the time, but after having a child there are other desires that they will want to see fulfilled, therefore that goal fulfilled does not make them a happy person in time. Some even feel dejected or frustrated by what being a mother implies in itself, or by the circumstances in which they have to exercise their motherhood and become unhappy. In my case, although having a child was not a personal goal, it made me very happy to have one, and the whole process that occurred during those nine months gave me moments of happiness and others not so much.

Imagen de jvalley678 en Pixabay

Other people think that happiness is a state of joy or contentment like when we are with our loved ones or friends, laughing and enjoying ourselves. Certainly those are happy moments, and we are happy in a circumstantial way, but that does not make us happy people, because after that, we return to the daily circumstances, to the personal reality that can be good or not, but in which we do not feel happy. Instead, we wait and long for those specific moments that make us feel that euphoria to say that we are happy.

It is similar to those people who suffer from an addiction to, for example, alcohol, tobacco, illicit drugs, sex or any other addiction, who need it to feel that change in their mood.

Relationship between being happy and success ♻️


I believe there is a directly proportional relationship between happiness and success. For example, in the contest I already mentioned to you @sanjeevm in the post he submitted as an entry said that success is:

"When you have nothing but feel like you have everything".

Another important truth I read from @truelovemom, who said.

"In my very personal opinion, success has a first component: the HAPPINESS... And that is the most difficult ingredient of success, because it can take us a lifetime to understand that, to be happy, we just need to want to be happy."

Also in the interview I told you I listened to, one person said that to be happy is to *be satisfied and this made everything sort itself out in my mind and I saw it more clearly. It has a lot to do with what these two Hivers commented in their posts.

Imagen de Gabriele M. Reinhardt en Pixabay

To be successful from a spiritual point of view is to be satisfied whether you have a lot or a little, meaning that you don't feel that you are lacking anything that you have to pursue and obtain. Therefore, if you are satisfied with what you have, then you are happy. Many may disagree with this view. Moreover, this point of view is not conformist, because it does not mean that the person cannot go after something, but that something is not what will make him feel happy and satisfied, he already is, that is simply an achievement that will bring him other benefits, of course.

So, if happiness is being satisfied and being satisfied is being successful, then success is directly proportional to happiness. But I think the reverse is a little different, at least from a secular point of view. For example, there are many people who are considered successful, who have formed empires, amassed sums of fortune or fame, and although in their lives they surely enjoy happy moments, many of them lose many things, or do not obtain the really important things and for that reason they feel unhappy in spite of those achievements.

So the reality is that happiness does not depend on anything external, but comes from the heart and in this cultivating spirituality has a very big slice. I really liked a principle that I have reread for a long time and it is:

*"I have learned to be content whatever my circumstances. I know how to live with little and I know how to live with much. In everything and in all circumstances I have learned the secret of being satisfied and of going hungry, of having a lot and of having nothing.

Because we brought nothing into the world and we can take nothing with us. So, if we have food and clothes, we will be content with that. " ²

In his post @truelovemom also commented that being happy is a decision and that is quite true. It's not something automatic that someone says I'm going to be happy and it is. But rather that you resolve to be satisfied with your life, to work for the things you want but not let circumstances affect your attitude or state of mind and spirituality is vital to be able to achieve that.

Imagen de Sasin Tipchai en Pixabay

All this made me think about what happens when you go to a restaurant and spend time deciding on a dish on the menu, make your decision and order your dish. But while you wait, you see the dishes being served to others around you, you see them big and appetizing and when they bring yours, it seems to you that the others are better.

When we see what others have, what they have achieved and we compare ourselves with them that can make us feel unhappy or make us believe that we have not been successful. Social networks make us think that all those people are happy, they have many friends and material things, they are physically beautiful, when many times it is not true and even if it were so, if we tend to measure our life or our success in comparison with others that will prevent us from feeling satisfied and therefore happy.

But let each one examine his own actions, and then he will have reason to rejoice in what he himself has done, without comparing himself with another person.

Thank you for coming this far, but I would like to know what you think 😉

marbrym EN ES.jpg


Las siguiente referencias son de la Traducción del Nuevo Mundo de las Santas Escrituras // The following references are from the New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures:

¹ Filipenses 4:11,12 // Philippians 4:11,12.
² 1Timoteo 6: 7 y 8 // 1 Timothy 6: 7, 8.
³ Gálatas 6:4 // Galatians 6:4.

Nombre y Banner | Name and Banner: Diseñados por mí en Canva.com | Designed by me in Canva.com.

Separadores | Separators: @breili (www.tutorialesteemit.com)

Traductor | Translator: Traductor DeepL (versión gratuita) | DeepL Translator (free version)


I think that both happiness and success are constantly changing for most as the circumstances of everyday life changes, and not necessarily in proportion with each other.
This post was obtained through Dreemport.Seems that a lot of the younger people don't seem to think too much about success and happiness @marbrym, especially over the last two years; success and happiness is just being lol. There are a lot of people that did not make it through the last two years for one reason or another.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my post @jamerussell. Yes, young people often don't think about these things, I think time and physical maturity make us see things differently. These themes have a lot of fabric to cut from different angles. Thank you for leaving your comment, I really appreciate it.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the person sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at https://hiveposh.com.

When we can't be happy, it's time to go to a good doctor, and I'm going to recommend an excellent one:


And we find it when we learn to break that shell that oppresses us:


And what should I do?


Do not be ambitious, do not want to monopolize it, learn to contemplate the beautiful outside of you, so that you learn to find it within you.

Happiness is the way, as you expressed very well in your post.

What I have written to you here is hardly a very short trail.

There are no recipes just start, you have a good teacher for this task:


Ok @truelovemon that's a great comment you left me here, I hope others can read it. Often life's biggest questions or concerns lie behind very simple truths. Thanks again 😉


¡Felicidades! Esta publicación obtuvo upvote y fue compartido por @la-colmena, un proyecto de Curación Manual para la comunidad hispana de Hive que cuenta con el respaldo de @curie.

Si te gusta el trabajo que hacemos, te invitamos a darle tu voto a este comentario y a votar como testigo por Curie.

Si quieres saber más sobre nuestro proyecto, acompáñanos en Discord: La Colmena.

Thank you very much for your support!😉

Siempre he pensado que el éxito es algo que no es definitivo, que es diferente a un logro. Hoy puedes tener éxito en algún aspecto y mañana pueden cambiar las circunstancias. Hace algún tiempo escribí sobre eso en otra plataforma.

Y en cuanto a la felicidad, soy firme creyente de que está asociada al bienestar. Si nos sentimos bien y nos rodeamos de emociones positivas, podemos decir que somos felices.

"in the multitude of counselors there is achievement". If we pay attention we can learn a little from everyone and thus enrich our lives 😉.I'm glad you read my post but much more that you left me your comment and your own opinion @coquicoin, that's the idea,

My pleasure! And you are right. That's one of the things I love about Hive, to be able to exchange with people from different places, with different opinions, and to learn from their experiences. Saludos!

Güzel bir yazı hazırlamış sınız. Her insan oğlu mutlu olmak ister ve bunun için çabalar. Ama farkında olmamız gereken bir şey var arada bir mutsuz olmak, bize mutlu olmayı öğretir. Hep mutlu olun. 🙏

Happiness is relative and so is success :) For me, happiness and success work hand in hand. It's like loving what we do and doing what we love and appreciating everything else too.

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Life is an unending pursuit of happiness, I don't think total happiness can be achieved, we need the bad times to appreciate the good times.

Imagine a universe where you got everything you wanted exactly how you wanted it, that would quickly become boring and useless, a typical example is the super-rich celebrities that complain of loneliness, isolation and have to resort to drug use to fill the void.

Hi @abmakko Thank you for offering me your point of view. It's always good to see things from different angles. Thank you for stopping by this post and leaving me your comment 😉.

I don't think happiness and success go hand in hand, some people are incredibly successful and they are not happy.

Then again success is narrative to an individual so it might depend on what someone considers success.

Oh I enjoyed reading this marbrym, sometimes it depends on what an individual pursues and once he or she attain success they seem very happy and satisfied!
I am happy cause I choose to not because I have it all but am contented and looking forward to attain my goals!
Could you share with me how you write in red color, I would be grateful thanks @marbrym

I'm glad you feel that way, I'm glad to hear. Thank you for taking the time to read and leave me your comment. Of course I tell you how to put the letters in red, here I leave the code:


Obviously without the last comills. Within that structure you write what you want to appear in red 😉

Okay great thanks a lot 😊