A particularly difficult year

in Catarsislast year

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Greetings to all,

Today, I want to take a moment to share a bit about my current state and reflect on how my 2023 has been. Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, and each year brings with it a new collection of experiences, challenges, and learnings. This year has been no exception, and I want to share some of the most significant moments I have experienced in the past few months.

On March 27th of this year, my life took an unexpected turn. A severe anxiety attack overcame me, unleashing a storm of physical and emotional symptoms that seemed insurmountable. I experienced shortness of breath, sharp chest pains, constant nervousness, palpitations, dizziness, and unsettling voices in my head when trying to sleep. Depersonalization and derealization plunged me into a state where I felt disconnected from the reality I knew.

Over those six months, I went through a challenging health journey. I visited the hospital about ten times, seeking answers. The uncertainty of whether it was simply anxiety or something more serious, such as heart or lung issues, was a constant weight. There were days when even breathing became astonishingly difficult, and distress accompanied me persistently. Despite my search, the doctors found no physical cause.

Finally, a doctor suggested that my condition might be related to anxiety and referred me to a psychologist. I tried to open up in that single session, but my path to recovery didn't feel complete. The psychologist announced that she was going on vacation, and I felt discouraged by the lack of continuity in my treatment. While I understand her departure wasn't intentional, it felt like my struggle didn't matter at that moment.

So, the months passed, and I continued to experience new symptoms. Severe arm pain and weakness joined my list of challenges. My mental state grew even darker, and my desire to recover grew with each passing day. I am a person who loves life, who enjoys sharing moments with my family. The idea of missing out on the achievements and special moments of those I love filled me with sadness and worry. The prospect of not being able to be by their side in difficult times was unbearable.

Yes, I had anxiety. I think I know why all of this erupted. Maybe (I'm not sure) I was immersed in a depressive state without realizing it. Any slight act of indifference from others towards me, an argument, or even seeing everyone in my family getting along so well made me feel like I was going unnoticed.

In addition to my own health, I lived with constant fear for the well-being of my loved ones. Exaggerated concerns about their welfare consumed my thoughts. I imagined catastrophic scenarios, fearing the worst would happen to them. One particular episode deeply affected me: my mother was referred to the hospital due to a heart issue, and although she was visibly distressed, she ultimately decided not to undergo further medical tests. This situation distressed me because I didn't want anything bad to happen to her, and her care also included my younger sister. Seeing her lack of concern for her own health filled me with unease, and this constant worry contributed to my mental state.

Furthermore, in 2022, I experienced the loss of an uncle whom I deeply cherished. As part of a large family with many aunts, uncles, cousins, and relatives, his passing left a significant mark on my life. Even today, talking about him remains a sensitive topic, and his absence continues to affect me deeply.

Carrying this emotional burden, my mother's condition and issues related to my younger brother added to my list of concerns. As these challenges piled up, my mental health weakened. However, amidst the battle against anxiety, something else began to catch my attention. After those six months had passed and I felt slightly better, although still dealing with pain and difficulty breathing, I noticed that my nails started to acquire a bluish tint. This alarmed me, as it wasn't something normal. My father, concerned for my well-being, decided to take me to a clinic for cardiac studies.

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It was during the cardiology appointment that I received a surprising observation. The cardiologist informed me that my heart was on the right side, a condition known as "dextrocardia," but apparently showed no visible anomalies. I underwent a HOLTER study, which initially revealed a minor arrhythmia. However, when we reviewed the results in a subsequent analysis, no evidence of arrhythmia was found. What I did notice is that my heart rate was below normal, around 58 beats per minute.

This discovery raised new questions and concerns about my heart health. Currently, I am awaiting another consultation to obtain more information and clarify these mysterious symptoms. My research suggests that my current symptoms, such as shortness of breath, a heart rate below 60, and the bluish tone in my nails, could be related to a possible heart failure.

I'm scared, I admit. There is information about life expectancy in cases like mine, but I also understand that every situation is unique. Despite the uncertainties, I try to maintain an optimistic outlook and await what the cardiologist has to say. Life surprises us with its ups and downs, and although this year has been particular, I continue to look for moments of light and learning in each new day.

I can't lie; I wish with all my heart to turn back time a bit and feel healthy as before. I'm 28 years old, and I thought I would never suffer from these kinds of things. But one has to know how to face the bad times and enjoy the good ones. I enjoy writing, and I think it did me good to express a bit about all of this this afternoon. I needed to share a piece of myself. I love living, so I still have the same strength as always and the same desire to continue being happy with my loved ones. After all, they say that after the storm, the sun always shines.


A surprise that you did not expect, but thanks to your dedication to find answers, you have it, and although I believe that anxiety and stress cause so many symptoms like this, this peculiar situation made you feel x3, but I am glad you are working on solving, taking care of yourself and knowing in depth what is convenient for you in terms of your health. I wish with all my heart that God gives you many years of life, and he will!!!, take everything calmly, follow the doctor's recommendations and do not let emotions affect you, always breathe to think with a clear mind and see it from a positive approach. greetings!

Una sorpresa que no te esperabas, pero que gracias a que te dedicaste a encontrar respuestas, pues la tienes, y aunque si creo que que la ansiedad y el estrés cause tantos sintomas así, esta situación peculiar te la hacía sentir x3, pero me alegra que estés trabajando en resolver, en cuidarte y enconocer a fondo lo que es conveniente pa tí en cuanto a tu salud. Deseo de corazón que Dios te de muchos años de vida, y así será!!!, lleva todo con calma, sigue las recomendaciones del doctor y no dejes que las emociones te afecten, respira siempre para pensar con la mente clara y verlo desde un enfoque positivo. saludos!

¡Gracias por tu apoyo y buenos deseos! Aprecio mucho tus palabras de aliento. La salud es un regalo valioso, y estoy comprometido en trabajar en mejorarla y entenderla mejor. La ansiedad y el estrés pueden ciertamente desencadenar síntomas sorprendentes, pero estoy enfocado en encontrar soluciones y cuidarme adecuadamente. Agradezco tus deseos de larga vida y estaré atento a seguir las recomendaciones de mi médico. Respirar y mantener una mente clara es clave, y tus consejos son muy apreciados. ¡Saludos y gracias de nuevo por tu apoyo!

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