What you say in the beginning is true, even when the cases are similar, each person faces their own experience because we are not all the same.
I feel that you went through very bad times and those economic situations and those losses not only of money but also of friendships, it is strong. Not everyone manages to rebuild and come out of it, or start from scratch.
I like that advice you give yourself and it's very real. There is nothing in the past that we can change and the future is uncertain, plus I always say that the future is our present. That is what really matters, what we are doing now will be our future tomorrow.
If it is not going well, excellent, and if it is going badly, we must keep going and moving forward, because as long as we have sunrises left, we must never give up.
I loved reading you and especially that you stopped by. I appreciate it very much 😊🐝🫂 @skiptvads