Aun me estoy adaptando a la idea de botar todo lo que siento sin miedo a que sepan que llevo por dentro, así como entreno diariamente los músculos, de igual manera puedo entrenar esta actitud, no suena taaaaaan difícil cuando lo digo así.
Ser como soy ha hecho que muchos en mi entorno sientan que soy de piedra 🤡 suelo acumular mucho, y cuando exploto soy la impulsiva de la historia 🙃 o la eterna incomprendida.
Me sucede bastante que por ser relajada y mas despreocupada que muchas personas, la gente abusa, lo que ha hecho que moldee circunstancialmente mi personalidad que se supone me costó definir, y con esto me refiero a amigos y parejas 🙃
Se me ha tornado sumamente agotador estar bien diariamente con alguien cuando a veces ni siquiera estoy bien conmigo misma, mantener una postura ideal solo para no tener como desenlace otro fracaso amoroso. Considero que cada experiencia me ha hecho evolucionar y definir mas que deseo en la vida, siento que cada vez elijo mejor pero que mis estándares cambian muy seguido, hasta juzgada he sido por ser así de cambiante 🤡
Debo cambiar muchísimas actitudes negativas que me limitan tanto mental como económicamente para lograr mis metas, la procrastinación es la mas considerable, este pequeño detalle ha sido mi talón de Aquiles, mi limitante mas grande, la que me ha traído problemas de productividad, por mucho tiempo lo tomé a la ligera, pero actualmente me mortifica mas de lo que imaginaba y sigo sin conseguirle solución, salgo de una zona de confort para entrar en otra, y supongo que es en esa sintonía que estoy vibrando, y de alguna manera me crea algún tipo de ansiedad. Odio pensar que mi remedio es que la vida me ponga en una situación extrema para tomar decisiones extremas y cambiar de manera extrema estos aspectos negativos.
Hello everyone, with this post I welcome myself to this community 🤗 I've been wanting to make a therapeutic post here for a while, I was looking for the right words, because that's what I have, I like to make myself well understood, in the end it's all about communication, but I've realized that I don't externalize much what I feel or think, of course with a bff in front of me I let loose like a blabbermouth and nobody stops me, but for a while now my confidant left my city to venture into new worlds, and the truth, chatting is not the same, although I apply it from time to time, I always self-flagellate myself thinking "there are people who have no one to talk to in general" or "there is always someone who is worse off", even on Twitter I am reluctant to express deep thoughts because it is at the hand of anyone on the network, in the end I preach a lot the "no matter what others think" and I apply it a lot but here I am, occasionally mortified by other people's opinions, in short, the hypotenuse, everything is always safer in my head, feeling vulnerable is one of the worst feelings I have experienced, I like to stay strong, regal and dignified, I have had to be the strongest and carry things that have made me a little hard, even if that merits self-poisoning.
I'm still adapting to the idea of letting out everything I feel without fear of them knowing what I carry inside, just as I train my muscles daily, I can train this attitude in the same way, it doesn't sound soooooo hard when I say it like that.
Being the way I am has made many in my environment feel that I am made of stone 🤡 I tend to accumulate a lot, and when I explode I am the impulsive one in the story 🙃 or the eternally misunderstood one.
It happens to me quite a lot that because I am relaxed and more carefree than many people, people abuse me, which has made me circumstantially mold my personality that I was supposed to define, and by this I mean friends and partners 🙃
It has become extremely exhausting for me to be well daily with someone when sometimes I'm not even well with myself, to maintain an ideal posture only to not have as an outcome another love failure. I consider that each experience has made me evolve and define more what I want in life, I feel that each time I choose better but that my standards change very often, I have even been judged for being this changeable 🤡
I must change many negative attitudes that limit me both mentally and economically to achieve my goals, procrastination is the most considerable, this small detail has been my Achilles heel, my biggest limitation, which has brought me productivity problems, for a long time I took it lightly, but currently it mortifies me more than I imagined and I still do not get a solution, I leave a comfort zone to enter another, and I guess it is in that tune that I am vibrating, and somehow it creates some kind of anxiety. I hate to think that my remedy is that life puts me in an extreme situation to make extreme decisions and change in an extreme way these negative aspects.
🦋Traductor/Translation: DeepL translate